Page 17: Bonding

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Part Two: The Search

Chapter Ten

It was warm, very warm. She could hear a crackling fire nearby and smell hot cocoa in the air. She could feel soft, heavy quilts hugging her body and a feathered bed cradling beneath. Smiling, squeezing her eyes with mirth, Hinata dug her face into the pillow and drew her knees up to her chest, balling herself further into the bed. She sighed and a giggle escaped her mouth. It was deliciously infectious to know that she was safe and warm.

Someone snorted from behind her. "By God, she's bubbly," he muttered. "Shouldn't have come. Damn Kame."

Hinata blinked, and slowly rose from the bed. Several things were registered immediately: she was in an inn, there was a fireplace at one corner, the window showed a wintery scene ("Lightning Country," she surmised at once), a covered mug of hot cocoa stood on the nightstand, and Tora was on the bed beside her.

She paused, watching the lazy Tiger open an eye to look up at her, not all impressed by the bed head she had contracted overnight. Even after having shrunk down from his gargantuan size, Tora was still large enough to take up one half of the queen-sized bed. In fact, Hinata was sure if one of her senseis came in, they would see the bed lopsided, slanted down by the summon's weight.

Hinata grinned. He had stayed. He had not stridden off to find his nasty summoner... whatever-his-name-was.

"Nagato," she reminded herself vindictively.

She was not likely to forget again.

Satisfied, Hinata fell back against her pillows with another giggle, not noticing how Tora's ears twitched irritably at the sound.

"Good morning, Tora!" she cheered, eyes bright and face flushed.

She so wanted to hug him, but she didn't want to scare him off.

"Humph!" the Tiger huffed. "Maybe it is to you, but I had to wake up to the stupid blatherings of a girl."

Hinata faltered, but her discomfort didn't last long when she reached for the hot cocoa. As she lifted the lid, she was careful in not letting the gathered condensation drip onto the beautiful pink quilt, and took a small, experimental sip.

"Yum!" she exclaimed before taking a large gulp.

Tora rolled his eyes. "Do you know how many calories you just drank?"

Hinata's reply was but a smile.

"Crazy girl," the Tiger mumbled, loud enough so she'd hear. "Aren't you even curious as to where you are, or how I got to this size?"

Lowering the mug, Hinata rubbed the porcelain thoughtfully and said, "I'm in an inn in the Lightning Country. After I fainted, my senseis brought me here." She wiggled her feet. "You are smaller now because you... you used your s-summoner's chakra to change yourself... I know that Hou-ou and Ryujin can change sizes too."

Tora sniffed, miffed. "At least you have some brains."

Hinata hid her smile by finishing off the hot cocoa, a little disappointed that it was all gone. Looking up, she heard a knock come from the door before Tsume-sensei came in with another tray of hot cocoa! Immediately Hinata smiled again as Kuromaru rushed to her side, brushing his cold nose against her cheek.

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