Page 14: She's Strong

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Part Two: The Search

Chapter Seven

When she came to, she knew by the motion of the ground that she was on a ship. Her hands were tied behind her back and she was blindfolded (which she wasn't too concerned with). But the very thought of her being out at sea, far from the mainland, cause a rush of panic sweeping through her.

Where were her senseis?

Still back on land?

How far away was she from them?

Tensing at the sound of footsteps, she forced herself to calm and slow her breathing. Closing her eyes, the footsteps stopped in front of her. With a rustling of clothing, the stranger - most likely her kidnapper - bent down to look her over. With her slowed breathing, calm expression and the slow rise of her chest, the stranger scoffed and stood up.

"Still sleeping," the stranger, a man, sneered. "Better for us."

She heard him open the door and step out, but did not "wake" until his footsteps receded and finally silence. Immediately, she ran through a series of observations through her head. She was below deck because the crashing of the waves was muffled and there was no wind. Her hands were restrained, but that did not keep her from summoning. There didn't seem to be any jutsus around her to keep her in place.

She frowned.

Were they underestimating her?

Shaking her head, she wondered what she should do. Should she break free or wait for her senseis?

Swallowing, she knew that even if she summoned a creature to aid her, she wouldn't last long. The enemy outnumbered her, and although they didn't expect her to be much trouble, their underestimation would not last long. And even if she were to win - how was she to steer the ship?

Perhaps Ryujin would carry her back to shore? But then there was the issue of her chakra. It certainly wouldn't last - certainly not enough for Ryujin to feed off of after the taking of the ship.

Groaning, Hinata felt her head ache, and then she wondered if children could get headaches in the first place.

"Did you hear that?" a female voice sounded.

Hinata stilled and paled.

"Hear what?" a man asked.

"I heard groaning," the woman said.

A pause and Hinata heard her heart pound in her chest. She silently scolded herself for not being more careful. She should have known that there would be guards near, watching her - certainly Shikaku-sensei had taught her better than that! She winced at the thought and bit her lips.

"It was probably a mouse," the man said, walking off.

The woman sighed and amended, "Probably."

Hinata sighed in relief when the guards moved down the hall and away from her. She would have to be more careful if she didn't want to attract attention.

It was then that she felt tiny legs move across her back and she jumped, forcing back a giggle. Squeezing herself close, she felt the tickle move up to her shoulder and onto her face. For a moment Hinata wanted to scream, until she recognized its tiny chakra.

"Shiba-sensei's kikaichu..." she whispered, eyes wide.

The insect responded by touching his antenna to the corner of her lips.

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