Page 20: Gaining Comrades

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Part Three: Team Kage

Chapter Three

"I-I'm sorry," Hinata apologized with a proper bow. "I-I h-haven't finished copying your n-notes yet! Please forgive me!" She bowed again.

Shino blinked, although unnoticeable under his sunglasses, and said, "I have no need of them at the moment. You may procure of them for as long as you have to."

Blushing in gratitude, Hinata bowed again. "Th-Thank you s-so much, Sh-Sh... Shino-san!"

If her Hyuga guards were displeased with her bowing to someone other than a Hyuga Elder, they said nothing. Unlike Shibi Aburame and Tsume Inuzuka, who were in the midst of a silent glaring contest, the Hyugas were trained to be living statues, never to react unless it was a threat to the very foundations of the Hyuga Clan or a risk to the very heir they were guarding. Bowing was neither a threat nor a risk.

"KIBA!" Tsume hollered, Kuromaru barking for emphasis.

Kiba, who had been playing snowball catch with Akamaru and some other boys from school, cringed at his mother's shriek; Akamaru putting his paws over his eyes and whined. Something that loud in the morning should be illegal. A bit angry and irritated at the interruption of his fun, he shouted, "What?"

"Get your butt over here!" Tsume screamed, red in the face.

Shibi merely quirked an amused brow.

But before things could get out of hand, or Tsume punching Kiba across his skull, the school bell rang and signalled the end to their discussions. Knowing that he was nearly home free, Kiba waved at his mother, said "Seeya, mom!" and then ran straight into the Academy without a second look, leaving a floundering and mad Inuzuka matriarch just daring Shibi to say something - anything.

"Um, goodbye, Aburame-san, Inuzuka-san," Hinata said with another polite bow.

"Goodbye, Hyuga-san," Shibi said, and then shared a farewell nod with his son.

"Don't let Kiba walk all over you," Tsune advised, waving.

Hinata nodded before following Shino into the Academy, happy that she now had someone to follow. Although only the second day since she had completed her mission, Hinata was already returning to her former schedule with ease. There wasn't much that she had missed in school, knowledge-wise, for she had always been somewhat ahead. The only thing she had always been behind in... was her social skills...

Which was why she was glad when Shino came to her at the start of recess, waiting patiently for her to put her books away and grab her coat before going outside - together. In all honesty, Hinata had woke that morning thinking that yesterday had been a dream, that Shino's patience and Kiba's rough kindness had been a figment of her imagination. Imagine her surprise to see their notes on her vanity! Or when Shino and Kiba had said "good morning" to her once she arrived at the Academy! Or when Shino led her outside during recess! Somehow, with him by her side, the air was fresher and the sun brighter. Hinata would make sure to take care of this friendship.

She hoped it was friendship.

Hinata closed her fur hood over her head when a particular dry, winter wind blew by, and watched, with awe, Kiba build a snow fort with some of their classmates. Kiba, she concluded, had no troubles with playing with other children, only that he didn't seem to take kindly to girls. Shino, on the other hand, was not as friendly as Kiba, preferring silence over mindless laughter. Several times, Hinata noted, many thought Shino was rather aloof in his silence, but Hinata knew better. After being with Shibi for so long, she understood the silence was not unfriendly, but rather just the way he was, calculative and observant.

Summoner Ninजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें