Page 15: Introducing- Legendary Sage

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Part Two: The Search

Chapter Eight

So there they were, in an icy cave, with Hinata hugging Kuromaru for warmth and comfort. Although her senseis were happy to see her safe and sound, Hinata noticed how they were stiff and formal when addressing Jiraiya-san. Warily, Shikaku-sensei, Shibi-sensei and Tsume-sensei had kept themselves silent while Anko-sensei became... incredibly vocal.

"What did you do to Hinata, you pervert?" Anko-sensei accused outright.

Hinata watched Jiraiya-san twitch and yell, "I am NOT a pedophile, you sadistic woman!"

"Like hell!" fumed Anko-sensei.

"Ano..." Hinata voiced cautiously, momentarily putting a stop to the verbal match. "What is a 'pedophile'?"

Everyone froze, even Kuromaru. Shikaku-sensei avoided the question by sticking a toothpick in his mouth and gritting it uneasily while Tsume-sensei grew red and bit her lips together. Although Shibi-sensei acted like his usual self, being silent and motionless, Hinata could hear his kikaichu running nervously through his system, and she wondered if she had said something wrong.

Out of all her senseis, it was Anko-sensei who said, "It's when a man-"

"Oi!" Jiraiya-san interrupted, face aghast with bulging eyes. "Even I know not to corrupt a little girl!"

"Well, who said the word first?" hollered Anko-sensei, her eyes flashing dangerously.

Hinata knew enough that when Anko-sensei had that look, it was never good to be near. She was sure everyone else, except Jiraiya-san, knew it too because they all took a step back - even Shibi-sensei. She only hoped, as Kuromaru pushed her safely behind him, that Jiraiya-san knew what he was up against. Anko-sensei angry was like Anko-sensei being deprived of sugar...

Hinata shuddered, her mop of black hair shaking like a brittle leaf in the wind.

"Alright," Shikaku-sensei cut in, taking a lazy step forward. "Let's stop this nonsense now."

Anko-sensei bit her teeth together and growled bitterly as Jiraiya-san shrugged his shoulders noncommittally.

"Jiraiya-sama," Tsume-sensei acknowledged respectfully. "I'm surprised you're here."

Shibi-sensei said nothing, but a slight tilt of his head indicated his agreement.

Jiraiya-san crossed his arms and eyed them suspiciously. "I can say the same thing."

"We asked you first!" Anko-sensei called him out on it, her purple hair bristling with her rage.

"Troublesome," Hinata heard Shikaku-sensei.

Hinata ducked her head and hid a smile in Kuromaru's fur. Now that she had survived a kidnapping and knew that Jiraiya-san had meant no harm in chasing her, her adrenaline was settling into an euphoria. She was alive! She was with her senseis! And they were all acting funny!

She giggled, unable to stop herself as a hint of delightful red touched her cheeks. When she looked up from Kuromaru's fur, she found herself the object of everyone's attention. Growing even more red due to the unexpected attention, Hinata was about to push her fingers together when Tsume-sensei hugged her tight.

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