Chapter 2

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Omega Pov

  He hasn't left his room for days and I worry. I know I deserved all the beatings I got. I am a horrible evil girl. All I ever do is mess up. I should have just let him reject me instead. If I hadn't been so stupid, then I wouldn't be in this situation and neither would the alpha. Everything thing I do is a mistake it seems. I don't understand why I'm like this. I'm only a burden on those around me.

  Lately, the pack has been refusing to let me do chores, so I've been making absolutely no contributions lately. Once the Alpha finally accepts the rejection, he's going to be very angry to see how useless I've been as of late. Every time anyone catches me doing anything, they stop me and since I'm an omega I can't very well defy them. The only thing I've been able to do is make breakfast because no one else is awake early enough to tell me not to.

  I don't know how to fix all of this.

  Maybe I should go try to talk to him. I know it's dumb but maybe he'll accept the rejection when he remembers how much he hates me.
I stand and walk up to his room. I tap gently on his door and get no response. I don't know what to do now. I can't speak to him unless he speaks first. I knock louder.

  "Go away" calls out a muffled voice from inside. I realize I've pushed his boundaries. Why am I so stupid?

  "I apologize Alpha," I say and start to walk away. I'm only a couple of feet from the door when it suddenly swings open and he pulls me into himself. He buries his face in my hair and inhales deeply. He must be so disgusted by my awful greasy hair. I'm not allowed to shower much because I'd be a waste of water.

  Without warning, he flips me around to face him. I get the chance to look at his face. His features are sharp, and his skin is soft. Stubble now covers his jaw and bags hang under his warm brown eyes. His full lips bitten bloody to chap. He seems to drink in my features too.

  "I'm so happy to see you but why did you come?", he asks. I break eye contact and chastise myself for making it in the first place. making eye contact with anyone above me is against the rules.

  "I'm sorry to bother you Alpha I just wanted to talk about the rejection" I murmur lowly. He smiles down at me excitedly.

  "Are you going to take it back and accept me?" He questions happily.

  "No sir, I'm here to persuade you to accept the rejection" his face falls. I guess that's a sign I should begin.

  "Remember that time you flogged my back for spilling soup? Or how about when you dragged me on the gravel because I forgot to dust one of the shelves? Or how about-" I'm abruptly cut off when he places his hand over my mouth.

  "Please stop," he says painfully. He cringes as though he's hurt. His hand slips over to my cheek.

  "Alpha what I'm trying to say is I mess up all the time and you hate me for it rightfully. You're only feeling this way because of the bond. It'll be over when you accept and then you can go back to running the pack and go on to find another mate" I say. He pulls my chin up to look into his now frantic eyes.

  "No please I don't want anyone else! I love you, Hope!" I look at him confused. Who is he talking to?

  "Sir I'm sorry but, I'm not Hope. I don't have a name. Only good people get those" I say. His face crumbles even more. He pulls me up into his arms and carries me to a chair. I'm sat on his lap while he rocks me back and forth ever so gently. He apologizes over and over in my ear.
This is the opposite of what I had hoped for. I don't know what to do now. Why can't he remember he hates me? Maybe I should do something bad. I should do something so awful that he accepts instantly. I should do something selfish, awful and desperate.

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