Chapter 23

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Omega Pov

Immediately after our date, I change out of the clothing that I borrowed and into something that Will had bought me. It's probably best that I return these as soon as possible so I don't upset anyone. I should wash them first though. I go downstairs to put them in the machine. Returning to my bedroom I start to organize my new clothing in my closet and dresser.
I almost missed the feeling of folding clothing. I used to do all the laundry for the pack, I wonder who does it now. The only time I've been there since moving was the day I accepted Will. Maybe I should visit more now and try to build relationships within the pack. I go downstairs again to change the clothing over to the dryer.
I guess while I have the time, I should clean my living room a bit. Everything is relatively tidy already since I don't have many personal items. I should maybe consider decorating. I could try and see if any pictures of my parents still exist anymore. It kind of hurts that I can't really remember what they looked like anymore but, it'd be nice to surround myself with something happy.
I start to clean the room. I've been neglecting to dust my house and things are getting a bit musty in here. Maybe I should. I hate dusting though. I wince at my memories. I can still almost feel the stinging in my back. That was the first terrible beating I had received after realizing that Will was my mate, so it was in my mind the most painful every if it hadn't been the most severe. I shudder and decide again at dusting for the day. I wash windows and vacuum until the dryer dings letting me know it's done.
I collect and fold the clothing before getting ready to go. Even though it's been only a couple of hours since my and Will's date the weather had changed dramatically. The temperature has dropped enough to make me shiver and the sky has darkened. It looks like we'll be getting our first storm of the season and for some reason, I can feel in my stomach that it's going to be bad.
I put on my new coat and hurry on my way. I'd like to get back before the storm picks up. Luckily the pack house isn't far, and I now walk a lot faster than I did the first time I made the trip between places. I reach the pack house in a little under fifteen minutes.
I quickly find the girls who lent me their clothing and hand it to them. Due to my extremely small stature I had to get clothing from three different girls to get try to get an outfit that came close enough to fitting me. They all happen to be hanging out with each other when i find them too. They all thank me for returning their clothing so quickly and I, in turn, thank them for lending to me. Just as I'm turning to leave one of them gets my attention again.
"Do you want to talk about the date", one of them asks. I turn to them again seeing so as not to be rude.
"Um... I guess". They squeal in excitement and pull me to sit beside them on the couch they're on.
"So, I heard that you guys went shopping", one of them starts, "did you guys do anything else?". She wiggles her eyebrows at the end of her sentence and the other two giggle at it for some reason.
"Yeah, we went to a diner afterward for burgers", they give each other weird looks at my statement.
"Okay but is Alpha Will a good kisser?", the same one says again. I feel my face heat. I try to come up with an answer as they giggle. Just as I'm about to open my mouth someone beats me to it.
"Oh, he's good at a lot more than kissing", all four of us turn to see who spoke. It's the same girl I found Will with the other night. She smiles wickedly at us while we sit in shocked silence.
"That man is a beast, trust me I know better than anyone", she says. I feel my heart drop into my stomach. Me and Will never really discussed his past and I had heard the rumors.
"Shut up Cassie we all know that you're full of shit", one of the girls beside me says.
"No, I'm not and if the omega here even interrupted the other day when we were in the middle of some much-needed stress release", she says, "I guess he got distracted when she interrupted and decided to throw her a bone instead. Tell me was that your first time or have you worked around before?". The girls gasp beside me and tears begin to blur my vision.
"That is more than enough Cassie", one of the girls defends me.
"How when at the end of the day the whore is stealing my title, I'm meant to be Luna and she's meant to serve all of us. I don't know about you guys but, I'm not fond of how things have been run around here lately. My time is too valuable for all these stupid chores we've been doing lately, and I'm fed up".
I stand and run from the room no longer able to listen to this. I don't miss the sound of her cackling at my departure. Feeling too weak to go home I find one of the out of the way spots I used to sleep when I lived here. It's near the holding cells and very easy to stay hidden in.

 It's near the holding cells and very easy to stay hidden in

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