Chapter 14

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Will (1 month ago) Pov

Something smells so good. Coming out of my slumber I see someone's small frame standing right next to my bed.


I found her. I can't believe I finally have her. I feel the smile etched so widely on my face grow even more. I reach out to hold her wrist. The sparks ignite up my arm. I start to sit up a bit so I can get a better look at her face.
Suddenly she yanks her arm away from me and runs away. I fall out of my bed tangled in sheets. During my struggle, she manages to get out the door and a little way down the hall. I managed to get up and begin to chase after her.
"Hey wait", a shout after her, "please stop". She doesn't listen and keeps running. I turn a corner very close to her and she's just gone. It's like she never existed and was just part of a dream I was having but she felt so real. I know she was real she must have been so, why did she run from me? Am I that repulsive? And why was she in my room the first place? I can still I can still feel her nearby, but I don't see her anywhere. I keep running down the hall and hopes to find her.
I spent two hours looking I could feel her and smell her all around me, but she was nowhere to be found. I return to my room after a while to find my breakfast. It was cold by now, but my mates sent still hovered around and clung to the air. I sigh my disappointment and sit down to eat my breakfast. At least it was my favorite that day, pineapple pancakes and pomegranate juice.
The Omega has always been a good cook though I will never tell her that. I took a bite of a food and moaned the second it hit my tongue. She still deserves no praise or much of anything for that matter. I've thought that for a long time but for some reason, my resolution feels weaker today. Surely, I can't be feeling sympathy for such a vile creature but it seems that I am. Maybe the happiness of my brief encounter with my mate is turning me softer.
I finish my breakfast quickly looking at the clock I see it's only about 6 a.m. I guess now it's just a good of a time as any to get up. I get into the shower and let the warm water run over me. In here I can't help but let my thoughts of her return to me though, I can't say they ever truly left.
Maybe she ran because she had heard the rumors of me and the other girls. However, those are just rumors, surely, she'll realize that and return to me. Or maybe she was startled by finding her mate so suddenly. Maybe she was intimidated that her mate was an alpha. But what was she doing in my room in the first place? Had she known that I am her mate? How long has she known for? I guess I'll get answers later today, all the girls in the pack will be at the party tonight and I'll find her then easily.
I hop out of the shower and go to my wardrobe. I do my best to find an outfit that I feel represents me the most. I want to feel like myself when I find her. I settle on Converse, jeans, and a hoodie. I question if I should change into something nicer but then again, that wouldn't really be me.
I leave my room and walk down the hall. In the early stirrings of the morning, people are just beginning to get up. Her scent is now faint in this hallway. I sigh my disappointment and keep moving.

I spent the whole day looking for her and came up with nothing. Her scent was everywhere but I still can't find her. Even now surrounded by everyone she is still nowhere. I know my friends can sense my disappointment and want to cheer me up but there's nothing, but her, that possibly could. I see a smirk spread over one of their faces.
"Omega come here!", he shouts. I don't particularly want to see her. I don't want that reminder today. Though I guess a little physical exertion could help me clear my mind.
Then her scent hits me, she's here. I look around frantically searching the room hoping to find her. The scent just gets stronger. Suddenly I hear a thud. I hadn't even noticed how close the Omega had gotten. She has fallen to her knees in front of us. Something is different this time. The scent almost seems to be coming off of her.
"Here's your mate Will, she sure is lovely", he cackles at his own joke and spits. It lands on her cheek. She shakes in front of me as I walk over to her. I can't be sure. It can't possibly be her. Please don't let it be her.
I kneel before her trying to get her to look into my eyes to know for sure. I reach out gently grabbing hold of her chin to tilt her head up. As soon as I touch her, I know. Staring into her eyes the whole world stops around me. Oh God, what have I done? Her eyes do their best to dodge my gaze. Everything about her is frantic and afraid.
"I-I'm s-so-sorry", I tell her. Everything hurts inside. It's no wonder she ran from me. This is all my fault. What do I do? Oh God, what do I do?
"It's okay if you can't then I'll do it for you", she says this breaking my train of thought. What does she mean? What is she about to do?
"I the Omega reject you the alpha as my mate". No no no no the word repeats as a mantra in my head. It feels as though my whole body is being ripped and half. I drop my head into her shoulder hoping with the tingles and the connection will help numb some of the pain. I hear myself screaming into her shoulder, but I can't feel the sound leaving my throat. Every inch of me is overwhelmed with pain. Tingles are still there but not as strong before.
"It'll be okay in a minute, just accept it", I can barely hear her words as she speaks so quietly. I guess they're supposed to be comforting. They feel like silver against my heart.
"No please just take it back", I beg her. I barely notice or care for the crowd gathered around us. I need her.
"Please, I'm so sorry. I love you just accept me", I mean every word, but I know it doesn't matter. She seems to notice the world around us and stands to bow before everyone. She should not be bowing she is the Luna and rightfully so. Everyone looks at us with pitiful and guilty expressions. I wrap my arms around her pulling her into my chest. I cry the whole way as I carry her to my room. She shakes in my arms.
I set her on my bed as gently as possible. The world's swarms around me. I think of all the ways I thought this night would go. I thought I'd carry her to my bed but not like this. Never like this.
"Ple-ppl-pleas-we look-k at m-me", I say in a soft voice.
"I apologize for all inconvenience I have caused tonight alpha, may I please be excused?" More pain washes over me at her words. Her eyes remain staring at the ground in submission. She's scared of me. I hurt my mate.
"Please say my name and don't ever leave me," I can't stand the way she talks to me so formally. I hate how she sees herself below me. Why did I do this? Pain still tears at me from the inside unrelenting. I know that it is a pain that I deserve.
"come on please say, Will".

"come on please say, Will"

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