Chapter 22

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Omega pov

It's been a few days since I accepted Will and he seems better, healthier even. I hadn't realized how deeply the rejection had hurt him until he was himself again. I know it's a good thing that he's less depressed but, I feel uneasy. With him back to he was before, my paranoia is back full force. Seeing him act like this again I always feel that he's about to lash out at me again even though he's been nothing but courteous to me.
Even now I'm getting ready for our first date. We're going shopping. I still don't really own much in the way of clothing, so our outing is more practical than anything, however, it's just nice to pretend we're a normal couple doing normal things.
Some pack girls heard about what was going on and lent me some nice clothes for the afternoon. Looking in my bathroom mirror I almost feel pretty. My hair has been getting thicker lately now that I've been eating better as have my nails and skin. I'm still too skinny because these things just take time but, my joints don't poke out as awkwardly anymore. I look normal. It's weird to see myself like this. It's like looking at myself through some filter. I can't remember the last time I looked this healthy.
I hear a knock at the door. I must walk carefully since I haven't worn anything but beat up sneakers in years. Wearing even just these flats feel so weird. The whole outfit feels off for me. I haven't ever owned a cardigan before, and the sleeves feel slightly restrictive. I've never had done up a zippered top before either and even though I must wear a belt I'm still uncomfortable in pants this tight.
When I reach the door, I open it to reveal Will in a blue button-down and tie. He's smiling at me brightly and holding flowers.
"You look amazing", he says before handing me the flowers.
"Thank you", I tell him shyly. The flowers are beautiful wild ones.
"I picked them for you", he says, "you told me these were your favorites". I looked down at them confused. When did I tell him that? I don't know what these are even called. He seems to notice my expression and awkwardly scratches the back of his head.
"I guess that it was a while ago that you told me", he tells me sounding kind of ashamed for some reason.
"Let me go put them in some water and then I'll be right back okay", I quickly walk back inside to escape the tension that was forming. I find a glass in my pantry before filling it with water and putting the flowers in. I set the flowers on the counter and return to the door where I left Will.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks. I nod my head in response step out of my home and look the door behind me. We walk down the steps of my porch and go on our way.
We decided to walk to the shops since they aren't too far and with the approaching winter, we should probably enjoy the good weather while we can. Halfway to the shops, I feel something brush my hand and flinch a bit. A look of hurt flashes his face, but he hides it quickly.
Will was trying to hold my hand. I take a deep breath and take his hand. It's odd that I'm unused to this considering the other things we've done. I feel my face heat thinking of that night not too long ago. We haven't done it since and neither of us has really brought it either. We haven't completed the bind though because we did that before I accepted him, and we never marked each other.
I don't think I'm ready to complete the home yet either. I know that i accepted him and that most people complete the bond the night they realize their connection but, I don't really think that we're there yet. Hell, most couples would be married and maybe even expecting by now and we are just now going out on our first date. It's no wonder why the girls of out pack seemed so excited and supportive of me and their alpha finally doing this. I'm sure the whole pack is beside themselves waiting to hear how this goes.
We finally reach the shops and enter a cute one with a vintage feel first.

Will Pov

The date seemed to be going okay so far. We've been to a couple of shops already and we're about to go get lunch. I'm taking her to a diner me and my friends used to go to sometimes. We're walking there now and I'm holding our bags.
Hope doesn't really seem to like me spending my money on her but, I've still gotten her anything I noticed caught her eye because she desperately needs new clothes.
It's very clear that she's still afraid if me even if she did accept me. I don't think she's even noticing most of the way she's acting because she's clearly trying to hide her fear. She doesn't seem to realize that's she's walking a couple feet away from me even though she's holding my hand.
We've been just making small talk for the most part and haven't mentioned any real issues between us but, it's nice to be acting like a normal-ish couple for once.
I'm looking at her when something catches my eye behind her. It's a jewelry store. Maybe I'll get her something after our date.
We make it to the diner, and I help her order. Something that's been becoming more noticeable to me lately is that she's not great at reading. I never really had thought about it before but, I now know that she must have of dropped out of school a very long time ago in order to keep up with the demands that I and everyone else placed on her. The guilt hurts my stomach. I'll have to find a way for her to catch up.
We both order the same thing. A burger, fries, and milkshake. I can feel the eyes of my fellow pack members on us. They're probably texting on their phones how everything is going so they can relay it to all the other members.
We manage to finish our food without incident, and I walk her home. She tells me that she had a nice time. Before going inside with her new wardrobe.
It's time to go back to that store. I hope I got a good enough idea of her finger size when she was holding my hand.

 I hope I got a good enough idea of her finger size when she was holding my hand

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