Chapter 24

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Will Pov

I took a lot of time and help from the people running the store, but I finally found something perfect. I gather my courage and go to her house. The weather is coming down hard. I smile to myself at the idea of us kissing in the rain. Maybe it's a little cheesy but, I've always been kind of a hopeless romantic. I raise my fist to knock at her door and stand there waiting.
I frown when she doesn't answer. Perhaps she didn't hear. I knock again louder this time and still get no answer. I give it one more try before giving up. With a sigh, I turn and head back home. She's probably sleeping or something. I walk on with thunder and lightning filling the blackened sky. Sleet pours down on me and I can feel the ring burning in my back pocket.
I get home quickly to find the pack house in disarray. Chaos is everywhere and people are rushing around.
"What is going on here", I shout in my alpha tone. Everyone turns and bows their heads to me.
"Alpha an unranked she-wolf disrespected the Luna and slandered your name, the Luna has since gone missing". I see every cell in my body be consumed with rage.
"Where is the she-wolf now", I ask.
"She has been detained, sir", I immediately start towards the cells and the pack member resume their frantic behavior. Every member I pass seems to immediately sense my anger and get out of my way.
Reaching the cells I see only one of the cells is occupied and storm towards it. Once I reach it, I rip the door off of its hinges and step into to see its Cassie. I immediately know exactly what she did to upset Hope. Seeing red I go to where she's standing. She puts a seductive look on her face but, before she can do or say anything, I grab her and grow her roughly to the ground. I begin kicking the shit out of her.
"How fucking dare you go anywhere near Hope you useless fucking whore", I roar at her as she begins to weep by my feet. This is not something that can ever be forgotten. I go outside the holding cells to grab the tools we use for integrating rogues.
I return to her cell where she lays still sniveling on the ground. She tries to scoot away from me but, I straddle her back and pin her arms behind her with one hand. She squirms under me.
I lean down to whisper in her ear, "why are you struggling so much thought you'd always wanted me on top of you". I press a silver knife into her skin and drag it down her back. This will be something she will never forget.

Omega pov

I had just begun to calm down when suddenly, a bunch of pack members came downstairs holding a squirming Cassie who screaming about being Luna. They throw her into one of the cells locking the door behind them before she can get out. She continues to hurdle abuse at them even as they leave. Once they're gone, she just starts to scream at nothing for a while.
Eventually, she tires herself out and just leans against the back wall of her cell. I'm in no mood to have her yell at me too and decide it best just stay hiding.
A half an hour has probably passed before anyone else comes. Before even see them, I recognize the sound of the footsteps. It's a sound that has terrorized me for years. Will's angry footsteps fast approaching. He tears the door off her cell with his bare hands.
"How fucking dare you go anywhere near Hope you useless fucking whore", he screams. He then throws her to the ground and practically stomps on her repeatedly. Storming back out of the room he starts towards my hiding spot. I hold my ragged breath so he doesn't find me. He only grad something before returning to her.
Torture that ensues is relentless and terrible. I find myself unable to look away even as tear pour from my eyes and I have to bite my own hand to hold in the screams of terror that desperately want to escape. My own past flashes through my eyes as I lay witness to the gruesome scene. Even long after Will has left, I find myself paralyzed.
Finding the strength somehow, I slowly make my way to her limp figure. I cringe at the site. She is redder than anything thing else and I already know that her back will scar to look exactly like mine.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath; if I don't do something she will likely bleed out. I set to work as best I can. I use the knife that still lays by her side to quickly bandage her back and staunch the bleeding as best I can. Once I've done all I can I know its know it won't be nearly enough. I put her arm over my shoulder and try to pick her up. I try with all my might but, I'm still too weak.
I open the pack link for first time in years and say what I know I have to say.
"I accept my position as Luna", I say before closing the link quickly as possible. I feel a migraine forming from the effort it takes to communicate with so many people before being overcome with the strength of a Luna. I stand up straighter with all the newfound energy coursing through me.
With my new strength, I pick up Cassie and carry her through the fire exit, setting off the alarm, and towards the recently recovered Dr. Azure's office.

 Azure's office

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