A Regular Life

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As I grabbed my school bag off the counter and stuffed my lunch inside, I rushed towards the door as the sound of the school bus's horn echoed through my ears.

"Bye Mom!" I shouted as I ran out the door.

"Bye honey! See you tonight!" she called back.

I raced down the path and to the bright yellow school bus that was waiting. I jumped aboard, pulling myself on and flashing a smile to the driver.

"Thanks for waiting," I grinned.

"Well, that's the last time I'm doing it Samantha," he closed the door as I walked down the aisles to my friends. Lola and Mandy sat side by side and waved as I came up to them, sliding into the free seat.

"I didn't think you were going to make it!" Lola exclaimed as the bus pulled off.

"I always do," I replied, rifling through my bag until I found what I was looking for and pulled out my phone. I flipped it open to find three unread texts, all from Liam.

"I can't believe you got the new phone. You're so lucky!" Mandy groaned. "How much was it?"
I shrugged, reading through the texts. Mandy looked over my shoulder at the screen.

"Oh my god, it's him again, isn't it?" Mandy snatched my phone away from me so fast I didn't react for a second, before reaching for it.

"Mandy! Come on, that's not funny, give it back!" I whined.
"Listen to what he says!" she turned to Lola. "He said- Hey, are you up? And then he goes- see you today at school, right? Oh my god, he is so into you. You have to nail this, now," she exclaimed, turning back my way as she typed out a text.

"No, Mandy, stop it!" I groaned, but she held my phone away from me. Her and Lola laughed as she finished typing the text. I started to panic, I wanted anything but for her to send it.
"Mandy!" I yelled, and as I did I lunged for my phone, knocking her hand. Her finger pressed the send button before she dropped it and I grabbed it and before I knew it the message had sent.
"NO!" I exclaimed, staring at screen, knowing there was nothing I could do now. The message Many had written read- Hey Liam, i'll see u at school. Wanna hang at lunch? x Sam. I elbowed Many in the arm.
"What the hell?" she frowned, and I showed her the phone.

"It sent, you idiot. Now what am I going to do?" I closed my phone and stuffed it into my bag.
"Seriously, don't worry. Liam's a good guy," Lola said, and I couldn't help but feel the sides of my mouth twitching.

"Yeah. You should be thanking us," Lola grinned. I rolled my eyes, scoffing.

"Sam, just do it. He's into you. And you can't tell us you're not into him just a bit," Lola pinched my arm as she said it, laughing. I smiled. Who knew? Maybe this could be good.

"Fine. I'll see how he is. But I'm not thanking you, yet,"

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