Finding out & telling him

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"Oh my god!!"

Lola exclaimed behind me as I hurled into the toilet. She held my hair out of my face as the burning feeling in my throat continued until my stomach was truly empty. I gagged at the nauseating smell as I flushed the toilet, hanging my head over the basin as I tried to breath normally again. Lola comforted me softly as I washed my hands and splashed my face with water.

"When you said you were sick, I didn't think it was like this!" she said, patting me on the back. "You poor thing! How long has it been like this?"

"Like, a week," I replied, trying to stop my hands from shaking as I splashed my face again.

"You should go check everything's alright. You never know if you've got a virus or something. My mom's friend works at the Doctors' just up on the main street. We can go there,"

And even after insisting I was fine, I was being dragged by Lola to a doctor.


"Sit just up here,"

A doctor motioned to some seat as I entered the room with Lola by my side. After sharing a look with her, I reluctantly did what they asked. I didn't want to be here. I felt fine now (which was a little weird considering I'd just puked my guts out).

The doctor took my blood pressure twice and did a few simple test, resulting in the verdict that I was fine, I had no viruses and wasn't sick. I gave Lola a look- thanks, this has been a complete waste of time- when the doctor spoke up.

"Can I have a word to you privately, Sam?"

I nodded  as Lola nodded and exited the room, I was left alone.

"Have you been sexually active recently?" The question caught me off guard.


"Have you had intercourse recently?"

Heat crept to my cheeks as I avoided the doctor's eyes. My reaction probably gave it away outright, but I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to seem like a slutty teen who had sex to young. But I also didn't want to lie. Slowly, I nodded.

"Was it your first time?"

I shook my head.

"Can I ask you to do something for me, Sam?"


"I just need you to urinate in this." The doctor pulled handed me a small cup.
I took it, bemused and thinking she was absolutely off her head.

"Why?" I scoffed.

"Because I want to run a quick pregnancy test,"

My smile vanished so quickly that you might have guessed that she'd told me my mom had just died. "W-what?" I murmured, brain scrambling to contain the fear and panic that simultaneously exploded within it.

"It's just for precautions. Your experience just seems similar to one of a pregnant woman's. The vomiting could be morning sickness. Have you missed your period, are you late for it, perhaps?"

"I don't know... I've been getting cramps and thought it was coming tomorrow. I don't think I'm late yet..."

"That's ok, we'll just see what happens with the test. Do you mind taking it now?"


"It's ok, this usually takes a few minutes."

I fidgeted while the doctor worked with whatever she was doing to test it. She was kind and smiled at me, but I couldn't return it. I was praying that I wasn't pregnant. Anything but that. Especially after this photo had arisen, especially since I felt like I couldn't trust Liam anymore.

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