The Next Step

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As we stepped off the bus and entered school, my phone buzzed. I looked at it, seeing that Liam had texted back.

sounds good. c u then. A smile automatically came to my face. Lola saw it, grinning.

"He texted back, didn't he?" She said as I put my phone away, shrugging nonchalantly. But in my head, I was kinda freaking out.
"What did he say?" Mandy asked, but before I could answer an announcement rang over the rest of the noise.

'All cheerleaders please report for a meeting on the school bleachers immediately. All cheerleaders to the school bleachers immediately.'

I cursed, checking my watch. The bleachers were on the other side of the school. If I ran, I might only make it.
"Sorry guys, I've gotta go," I apologized, then took of, running towards the pitch.

As I arrived I saw the gaggle of cheerleaders and I joined them, putting my bag down

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As I arrived I saw the gaggle of cheerleaders and I joined them, putting my bag down.
"Hey, Sam!" I spun round to the sound of my name. Natalie stood there, smiling.
"Hey Nat," I puffed, still panting from running. "Do you have any idea what this meetings about?"
She shook her head. "I've no idea, I think there's-"
"Girls! Listen up!"
We turned out attention to Miss T, the Head Coach. "Welcome back to another Monday, girls. Now, this meeting is only to let you know that we're going to have to nail the next routine in two months, we've been asked to perform at the Presentation Night Game. That seems like ages, but it's a hard one. Everyone ok with that?"
There was general agreement throughout the group, though two months didn't feel like ages.
"Ok. I'll see you all tomorrow for practice. Don't be late!"
I walked across the pitch back towards the main building with the rest of the cheer leading team.
As we passed the several groups of people sitting in groups and jocks throwing a ball around, I spotted Liam. He ran past and chucked a ball  overhead, turning to our group.
"Hey Sam,"
My heart jumped a little out of my chest, but I told myself to play it cool.
"Hey Liam," I replied and he ran off to catch the ball.
The girls all started giggling madly, asking me all kinds of questions.
They smiled and got excited, as was I , the interaction was so far the best thing that had happened all day. Sure, it was only a couple of words, but who cares?


As the last bell before lunch rang, I headed down to the cafe quickly. I got in line and scanned the slowly filling room, but I couldn't spot Liam anywhere. Not yet, at least. Lola and Mandy entered, seeing  me immediately and coming straight over.

"Is he here yet?" Lola asked, and I shook my head feigning disinterest. In reality, my heart was pumping so hard I thought I might feint. And what I heard next didn't help.

"There he is!"

I spun around to see him coming in, his hazel eyes locking onto mine as he smiled. I felt my chest clench up, my body go rigid. Calm it, I told myself. Smile back. Flashing him a smile I turned back to get my food.

"Where do I sit?" I hissed to Lola and Mandy. We all stood with our full trays glancing from our usual spot to the table of jocks. 

"Wait for him," Mandy hissed back. "If he's serious he'll invite you over to his table,"

I gulped. Sitting at a table of jocks?

"Ok," I replied. No later had the words left my mouth when I heard someone come up behind me.

"Hey," said Liam. I replied with the same as he gestured over to his table. "Do you wanna come sit?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I answered, following him. As I sat down I shot Lola and Mandy a nervous smile. That was the last time I looked at them for the whole lunchtime.


"Hey, babe, I'm pretty sure we can take a break from calculus for a minute,"

Liam lay on his bed, his hand holding up his head as he stared at me.

"Ok, fine. But you know it's gonna be on the test," I replied, lying down next to him but turning to face him. It had been three weeks since our first initial lunch together. Our status may have been upgraded to dating. Just maybe.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he said, slinking an arm around my body and squeezing my butt, leaning in to kiss me before speaking again. "You know I don't need to bother with any of this stuff. I'm leaving like the day after the exam,"

He leaned to kiss me again as our lips met. I think what Lola meant when she said that Liam was a good guy was that he was hot. There were small things I noticed about him as we'd got closer. He'd compliment me on my body, most of all. But that made me feel so confident that half the time I welcomed it. He was also very clear on certain matters- If he heard the word period I reckon he might have called the whole thing off on the spot. I went with it, if he didn't feel comfortable talking about that stuff, fine.

"I don't care if Oxford thinks you're the king of sports, you should have stayed," I replied, and he answered with another kiss. His hands trailed up to my waist and under my shirt, finding my bra with his hands. His fingers ran over the fabric before finding my skin.  I felt him touch me, I felt my senses come alive though they were laced with nerves. His hands felt me and my lips didn't leave his, swelling eagerness filling inside me.

"Take your top off," he growled. It sent a shiver through me. Nervousness followed, a sense of slight unease yet simultaneous excitement. But I couldn't, not with his parents in the other room.

"Liam, I can't..."

"Why not? Just do it," his lips moved to my neck, sucking my skin hard.

"Your parents are right there," I hissed, gesturing to his door while reacting to his kisses.

"They don't care," he said, pushing into me. I gasped as he did, feeling him press in between my legs. He unclasped my bra and ran his hands over me, deepening our kiss.
"Liam, no," I murmured, even though I kept kissing him. I couldn't resist for a moment, I couldn't control my thoughts or my body as he pushed me back against the bed and lay over me. All I could feel was a heat, an energy coursing through my body that I hadn't felt for a long time.
"Liam, I'm serious-"

Knock knock.

We jumped and sat up hurriedly, fixing ourselves and resuming our studying positions as Liam's mum looked round the door.

"You two ok? Need a drink, or anything?" she asked.

"No mom, we're good," Liam replied, as I stayed silent. She left and Liam wrapped his arm round my waist again and pulled me close, pressing his lips to my neck. I pushed him off lightly.

"We have to finish this section," I said, pointing to the textbook, and he rolled his eyes.

"Do I have to revoke your party ticket for this Friday?" he asked jokingly. I grinned.

"There aren't any tickets, idiot, it's a party," I replied. His smile disappeared and was replaced with a slightly frown.

"Don't call me that," he said, turning to the textbook again.

"Sorry," I murmured, returning to the math as well.

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