Liam's thoughts

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I watched as she entered the cafeteria, following her every movement.

"She's got a good ass,"

"Mmhm," I agreed with whoever had spoken.

"So she hasn't let you have it yet?"

It was that comment that managed to tear me away from her. I looked at Alex.

"Not yet. But she will, I can feel it. Plus, it's not like I'm gonna be in this place much longer. She'll have to then. You know, for the memories or some shit,"

The boys chuckled with me as we watched her.

"She's actually so hot, man. If you hadn't snagged her, I swear I would have next,"

A feeling of anger ran through me. I leaned forward across the table menacingly.

"Well, you were to late Jack. Plus, I bet Erica would love to hear you say that,"

Jack's face paled. "C'mon man, you wouldn't tell her," he said.

"Nah, I wouldn't. But don't talk like that," I pointed at Sam. "See her? She's mine. And if I hear another one of you jackasses say anything like that, good luck signing up for the team next year, because you won't be able to walk."

Silence rang over the group as I turned to watch her come over, laying her tray down and sitting beside me. I put my arm around her and squeezed her waist slightly.

"So, are you two ready for Friday?" Alex asked as conversation began around the table again.

"You bet," I replied. "It's gonna be huge. I hope you wear something nice," I turned to her and she grinned.

"You'll have to wait and see," she answered.

"Awww, the suspense will kill me," I whispered, but she shook her head. "Could you go grab me a juice?" I asked. She cocked an eyebrow. "Go on, please..."

She stood up, and walked towards the cafe line.

"How long do you reckon it'd take you to get her sane again?"

They laughed. I shrugged.

"I dunno, what do you guys reckon? It's been three weeks,"

"I say another two. If she ain't budging now, she ain't for a while,"

"Nah... I'm thinking that if you play your cards right you'd have her by Friday,"

I grinned at that.

"Why does she do it? Is she religious?"

I shook my head. He shrugged.

"Well, church girl's all up to you. Is she a.... you know...."

"A virgin?" I said. He nodded. "I dunno," I replied.

"Is say no. You can't be that hot and not get an action, right?"

The guys and I nodded, and I turned to see her returning to the table.

"Here, catch," she said as she chucked the juice to me, and I caught it.

"Good throw, babe," I grinned as she sat down. She smiled back and I kissed her cheek.


"Does it look good?"

I turned to Lola and Mandy in the dress, low-cut at the front and short around my legs. They nodded.

"It's a good colour," Lola said, checking her phone.

"It's good for a party, right?" I questioned, and they nodded again.

"Yeah, it's perfect," Mandy sighed.

"Ok guys, what's up," I turned around to face them and put my hands on my hips, a position my mom would often adopt.

"Nothing, Sam, it's just...." Lola paused to look at Mandy for a second. "... you're not going to change because of all this stuff with Liam, right? You're still our friend..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Guys, of course I'm still your friend! Nothing would change that. And Liam's leaving in a few weeks, so I'll be back to hanging instead of being around that pack of idiots all the time. I'm just trying to make the most of it while it lasts, ok? And when he's gone, good riddance! Who needs boys anyway?"

Both Lola and Mandy cracked a smile at the last words, even if I felt a little guilty saying them. I did really care, and didn't want him to leave at all. But it was my fault that my friends were  worried about it all.

"Yeah, that sounds great. And that looks fab on you, Sam. You should get it," Lola said standing up. She and Mandy looked considerably more cheerful, and I nodded as I made for the changing room again.

"Awesome. You guys wait one sec and I'll be ready,"

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