"Good girl..." he hissed scarily.

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I woke with a start, my head rising from the pillow. My mom stood over me, frowning. 

"Hurry up, you're going to be late!" 

I sat up with a start, cursing as I jumped up while rushing about getting ready for school. As I pulled on my clothes I heard the squeal of wheels as the school bus pulled in. 

"Come on!" I exclaimed, catching site of it outside the window. I ran downstairs, grabbing my books and stuffing them inside my bag. I dismissed breakfast despite feeling so hungry, sprinting for the front door, when I saw the bus pull away from the curb and drive down the street. 

"No!" I gasped, racing down the path to the gate. "Wait!" I yelled, but the bus drove on, turning the corner. I could see Mandy and Sam staring at me from the back seat, watching me as the bus finally disappeared. 

"Shit." I hissed under my breath, looking back at my house. There was no way my mom would drive me. Never in a million years. And now I had to get there on my own. 



The bell for the end of first class rang as I finally arrived at school, through the corridors that were slowly filling with people. I could hear Lola and Mandy's voices behind me. 

"Sam! We're so sorry, we told the driver to stop, he's an idiot... he didn't listen to us-"

"Sam... are you crying?"

I turned to the nearest classroom and went in, bursting into tears and collapsing onto one of the desks. 

"Mandy, go get a teacher!" I heard Lola say. "It's ok...you're ok, Sam." she whispered. All I could do was shake my head and sob, break down in front of her. 

"Is this about the other day? At the hospital?" 

I looked up at her, not sure how she'd guessed that straight away. I glanced around, making sure she and I were the only people in the room. Mandy had gone to get a teacher. 


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"Lola...I'm..." I whispered, wiping tears away. "I'm pregnant..." 

She looked at me like I'd slapped her across the face. "Shit..." she breathed, standing up, pacing down the room a bit. "Sam, I'm... I'm so sorry..." she looked at me so sadly, so full of guilt and remorse that it hurt, because I knew that was how people were going to feel all through this: sorry for me. 

"Do you know what you're going to do?" she asked, and as she did I heard Mandy coming back with a teacher. 

"Lola, don't tell anyone, not even Mandy yet, ok?" I whispered as they returned. She nodded. 

"Samantha? Do you want to coming to the first aid bay for a bit?" asked the teacher as Mandy and Lola eyed me sadly. I broke my eye contact with Lola, turning to the teacher. 

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