Chapter Ten

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These chapters are copied from but I plan to be updating them and editing them ASAP.

Why did Fitz sigh? What was wrong with Sophie's life?

Sophie proceeded to participate in truth or dare, wacky hairdo and all. Biana finally came down, and Linh explained the rules to her. They were all waiting for Dex to finish painting a tattoo on Keefe's arm that said "Wonderboy rules". It was Fitz's idea, of course, only Dex had changed the names a little tiny bit. Keefe was dismayed at not having his own name being painted on, but a dare was a dare.

Dex finally finished painting. It looked pretty cool. Dex had mixed colors and added swirls and flourishes. The text was legible but also fancy, and it looked amazing. Biana turned to Dex.

"Wow, I didn't know you knew how to draw so well! When did you learn?"

Everyone turned their attention to Dex. He blushed as he realized all eyes were on him. "Well, as a little kid, I hated being at the apothecary. All of these people would always come in and stare, and even say mean things to me and my parents. They were all rather stupid and they didn't know what was what so my dad made me add little signs to each of the items saying what it was and what it did. Oh, and how much it was. I was given paints and I loved making the signs! I would always find new ways to make them look different, and I wanted people to know that I wasn't Talentless, even if painting isn't a real talent."

Sophie commented, "Well, it is in my world! To be an artist was an amazing thing! You got to paint and sell your work, and if you did really well, they would be put into museums for the world to see!"

Dex smiled at Sophie. "See, this is why I sometimes wish I was a human, not an elf."

The others nodded in agreement. Sophie sighed. "Being a human wasn't the best thing in the world. There were many things like violence, pollution, and global warming. People were dying young, and there was nothing we could do about it. Humans sound amazing here, but in reality, it's much better over here.

"Of course, there were good things about being a human. You had Internet access, computers, iPhones, and iPads, and you had TVs and movie theatres. You had carnivals and amusement parks and Disneyland." Keefe perked up but didn't interrupt Sophie's reverie. None of Sophie's friends had ever really heard about the human world and the Forbidden Cities. "I mean, there was other stuff too. Family, friends, love even." Sophie blushed. "Not that we don't have that here, but over in the human world, we really showed it. Families would take their kids to places and do things for them and make sacrifices. Friends would help their buddies get through problems. And lovers would do little things for each other that would mean the world, like buying food or chocolate for them, or even proposing."

Everyone looked at Sophie. What had they missed about this world? Why should they be grateful for being here?

Sophie looked at everyone. "Sorry, I was so into it, I forgot you guys were even here. I miss that life, but this life is even better."

Fitz smiled and Keefe patted Sophie on the back. This wasn't a very Keefe-like thing to do, but he managed to pull it off. Sometimes Keefe could be really sweet and sentimental and a different person from the snarky funny dude he played to be.

Everyone got up. Dex yawned. "I'm so sleepy! What do you say we turn in?"

Keefe turned to Sophie. "We're staying the night, right?"

Sophie nodded. "If you can. The boys will sleep in the guest room, and the girls will sleep in my room."

Keefe smiled. "Better hope you don't get sneaked up on. We wouldn't want anything bad happening, right?"

Sophie didn't know what he meant by that.

Sophie sighed. Time to go get Edaline and Grady. She had asked them to stay away for the day. She was sixteen and she didn't need her parents as much anymore. She had told them to go do their own thing, but she knew that they had probably stayed outside the whole time. Luckily, they hadn't noticed the fire, or they would have been in a lot of trouble. Sophie grabbed her Imparter and called Grady. She told them to come back now as they were all going to sleep. Grady had specifically told her to call him when they were getting ready to turn in. Sophie had to listen to her father, even if she didn't want to.

After a little while, Biana, Linh, and Sophie trounced off to Sophie's room, adorned with sleeping bags, pillows, and books. They planned to stay up and read or do something else for a little while before going to sleep. Sophie couldn't believe how fast her birthday had passed. She thought back to everything that had happened that day. Biana avoiding her and putting her sleeping bag as far away from Sophie's as she could. Fitz and Linh...Sophie and Keefe! Tam and Biana or even Dex and Biana. Sophie knew that all of her friends were pairing up now, and it just wasn't fair.

The Council had to fix everything. They were in control of all of their love lives now, and they needed to fix this. Before all of their friendships split up because of stupid relationships that shouldn't change a friendship.

Sophie grimaced. Love was just as big of a problem here than as it was in the human world.

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