Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys! Here is a new chapter all ready for you! (SO cheesy, I know.)

Here we go! Also, if it doesn't turn out the way you want it, please don't send hate! :) Thanks!

Everyone was looking at their scrolls. Sophie was sure that none of them had checked their top ten yet, except maybe Keefe. Sophie said, "We have to look. We have to. This isn't going to decide our lives. Just because our number one is there doesn't mean we have to marry him or anything.

Keefe said, "Sure! Ok,!"

Everyone looked at their top ten to see who they had. Sophie unrolled the first sheet and forced herself to look at the top.

#10. Tam Song.

Huh, not that bad. Sophie had no romantic feelings toward Tam, but he was still a friend. She just hoped that Fitz...

#9. Jensi Babblos.

Sophie knew that he would never be her match. He was a lot younger and he was slightly annoying. He was a good kid, but he wasn't her type.

#8. Wylie Endal.

He was so old! But Sophie could see why the Council picked him as one of her potential matches. He was powerful and he was definitely someone Sophie could live with. But he was so old.

#7. Dexter Dizznee.

Sophie knew that Dex would be happy if she was in his top ten. But to have him in her top ten was not something she was that particularly excited about. Dex was just a friend; her best friend at that. Sophie knew he wanted to be something more; many times had he implied it. But she could never think of him that way. He just wasn't her type and he was, like she said, just a friend. Nothing more. Not ever.

#6. Alvar Vacker.

Sophie had no idea how Alvar had gotten on her list. He was old enough to have his own scrolls, so does that mean that she was already on his list? Alvar was a Vacker, but Sophie could never marry him. In fact, she couldn't even look at him. He had betrayed everyone back in the day, and although he had apologized, she still could never trust him or look at him the same way again.

#5. Valin.

Ugh, a drooly boy! Disgusting! Valin had always had a crush on Sophie, since Second Year. Everyone knew about it, especially Keefe. Sophie was so annoyed that Valin had made top five. What was the Council thinking?

#4. Carlisle Hunter.

Sophie had never heard of him, but he must be someone powerful, seeing as how far up he was on the list. Then again, she couldn't forget about Valin's status...

#3. Fitzroy Vacker.

So there he was. Not her number one, or even her number two, but her number three. Then again, that was pretty high up, right? Sophie couldn't help wondering how high up she was on his list.

#2. Harley Poden.

Huh, strange name. Sophie had never heard of him, so how had he gotten so far up on her list? Was there a way to meet these people?

#1. Keefe Sencen.

Sophie didn't know what to think. A part of her had known that this was just how it was, but another part of her, a much bigger part, had really hoped for Fitz to be her number one. Maybe then he would change his feelings about her.

Sophie took a deep breath and tried to control the whirlwind of feelings that was experiencing. Her brain was everywhere and nowhere at once. She looked at everyone, and all of them seemed to have finished. She tried to smile, but she knew that it probably came out more as a grimace.

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