Chapter Twenty

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Linh peeked her head through the door and at Sophie's gesture, walked into the room, looking scared almost. Sophie smiled at her and Linh visibly loosened up, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Hey, Sophie. How are you feeling?" Linh asked casually and quietly.

Sophie mustered up a smile. "I'm great, thanks for asking, Linh." She paused. "We need to talk."

Linh nodded. "I know." She sat down at the edge of Sophie's bed. "What happened? The boys wouldn't tell me."

Sophie recounted the story yet again, hoping that this would be the last time, though she knew it wouldn't. Linh stayed silent the whole time, listening intently and not interrupting. She was an amazing listener, and Sophie wondered why she had never talked to Linh as much before. Linh stayed quiet until the end.

"Wow," she murmured softly. "Why would Fitz do such a thing to you?"

"I don't know. He was angry at me. I hurt him or I confused him or something. Biana said that that was normal for him though, and I kind of trust her, seeing as she has been living with him for her whole life," Sophie said.

"True, but she could be wrong. As much as it pains me to say this, Fitz really likes you, Sophie. I can see it in his eyes and the way he looks at you and holds you and protects you," Linh said, blushing softly. "And I can't lie: I still really like him. And I tried that out but he doesn't care about me like that. He only sees you." Linh smiled genuinely as if she was learning to get over it.

Sophie placed her hand over Linh's smaller one. "Linh, unrequited love is going to happen to everybody. For about four years, I thought I was living with it... until I learned something different. I mean, you're going to find the person one day. You know, Fitz likes you, too."

"But only as a friend. He said as much." Linh admitted.

"What do you mean? When did he say that?" Sophie asked.

Linh shook her head, tears breaking free. "I... I did something that I shouldn't have done. I only made his life and mine and yours more complicated. And I'm really sorry."

"What did you do?" Sophie asked slowly, afraid for the answer.

"You'll be angry," Linh sobbed.

"I won't. I promise. Besides, look at my state. What could I possibly do anyway?" Sophie gestured to her bed-ridden body.

Linh sniffled. "Well, it all happened so quickly, and I didn't mean it to. Honest I didn't. It was while we were playing Base Quest a while ago. I don't remember exactly when. We were alone all of a sudden, and I just did it. I asked him if he liked me." Linh lowered her head. "He said he liked as a friend, but not as anything more because he liked someone else. He wouldn't tell me who but I finally got it out of him. You."

Sophie blushed. "Linh, I'm so sorry—"

"There's nothing you can do. It's over. He doesn't like me. And although my heart feels like it's broken, what can I do? And now Tam has Biana and you have Fitz and Dex has Dina and who do I have?" Linh asked helplessly.

"There's always Keefe, you know. He likes you. Not like that, I don't think, but he's awesome to talk to," Sophie suggested.

"Sure, but he won't be there for the rest of my life. He won't always be there just to talk. I don't have anyone, Sophie." said Linh.

"Keefe is an awesome guy, and if you just ask, I'm sure he'll listen to you anytime. And then you guys could learn to be friends and then lovers one day. That is, if you like Keefe." said Sophie.

"I don't know how I feel about Keefe. You see, I still love Fitz, and I know I should just let go, but I can't. You know? It's just too hard," Linh cried.

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