Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sophie and Biana walked into the dress shop upon arrival. An elderly woman came bustling up to greet them. Sophie had been to the store several times but she had never seen this woman before. However, the lady smiled widely and recognized her. She started to speak and her voice was high pitched and happy. "Why, if it isn't Sophie Foster! I hear that you're soon to be a Vacker," she winked. Noticing Biana, she smiled even wider, if that was possible. "And Biana Vacker! Welcome, welcome!" The lady was very energetic and Sophie couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed.

Sophie said before the woman could say anything else, "Hello, I'm here to pick up a dress I ordered a few weeks ago. For the wedding?"

The lady looked a little confused. "Hmm, I don't remember seeing that in the order book, but let me go check right now. Follow me." Biana and Sophie followed the woman to a back room, where the woman got out a thick book that was caked with some sort of powder that wasn't dust and looked overly used. She thumbed through the pages twice, but shook her head in the end.

"Well... I don't see any orders from a Sophie Foster. Or a Sophie Vacker. I checked for both names, just in case."

"What? But I ordered the dress weeks ago!" said Sophie, panicking a little at the thought of not having a dress for her wedding.

"Well, darling, let me see if we have it in stock. Do you remember what it was called?" Sophie did not, for all of the names of the dresses were very exotic and long, like Chiffon Satin Midnight Distress, Size Petite. She shook her head as she struggled to remember the name and the woman frowned.

"Well, can you describe it for me?" she asked, though she looked unsure.

"Umm. It's white tulle. It has a scoop neck that's not too low and a lace bodice, hem, and sleeves. It's really poofy and it also has a small train in the back." Sophie had no other words to describe the dress and she suddenly wished that she had shown Biana the dress before as Biana had better fashion sense.

The lady thought for a while and then shook her head. "Come with me to the wedding dresses aisle and we'll see if you can recognize any of them as yours."

Sophie followed the lady, Biana trailing close behind. Why did this always have to happen to her? Lost dresses were just a little thing but there were always more and more terrible things happening in her life that just culminated to one huge horrible thing.

They reached the wedding dress aisle and Sophie looked through the white dresses. After a while, she shook her head. "It's not here. Not from what I can see."

"Oh?" the lady asked. She held her hands up. "Well... I don't know what to say. Do you know who you spoke to when ordering?"

"A lady named Jeanette," said Sophie. Jeanette had been a bit befuddled and Sophie couldn't help but blame her for the mishap.

"Oh... let me go find her. I'm sure we can sort this all out." The lady bustled off and Sophie was left alone with Biana.

Biana put her hand on Sophie's shoulder in an effort to console her. "Sophie, it's okay. The wedding isn't for another three weeks. You have a lot of time."

"Yeah, but that dress was perfect. I actually liked it. And I'm sure Fitz would've too."

Biana laughed. "Sophie, Fitz would like you in any wedding dress, even if it was neon orange with glitter and sequins!"

"Yeah, but..." Sophie trailed off. Biana just didn't understand. She had spent hours looking for the perfect dress and when she had finally found it, she had been happier than she had ever been in this whole process of getting married.

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