Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Fitz, where are you taking me?" Sophie asked, staring up at her husband questioningly.

Fitz laughed quietly to himself at her confusion, probably, but said nothing. She sighed loudly but he refused to budge. Finally, he took her hand, surprising her, and led her towards... Everglen?

Sophie was more confused than ever. "Why are you taking me to your house? Please don't tell me your idea of a honeymoon is at your house, Fitz, or you're going to find yourself without a wife," Sophie teased. Fitz rolled his eyes.

"Sophie, just wait. Patience is a virtue. And, no, our honeymoon is not at my house. I'm more romantic than that. Give me some credit," Fitz said, a small smile appearing on his face at his wife's apparent confusion. He opened the gate and walked with Sophie to the front door of Everglen, guiding her inside.

"Seriously, where are we going? Aren't you ever going to tell me?" Sophie begged.

"No, now shush." Fitz led Sophie to the Leapmaster at the top of the house, waving to Alden and Edaline who smiled back with a knowing look on their faces that made Sophie even angrier.

"Ohh, are we leaping somewhere?" Sophie asked, her mind going through all of the possible places that they could go.

"Yes." Fitz pulled out two blue leaping crystals and Sophie's heart jumped.

"We're going to the Forbidden Cities?" Sophie asked incredulously, staring at her husband in shock.

Fitz nodded and said, "Yup. But don't worry, I got permission from Alden and the Council already so we can't get in any trouble."

They lightleaped away and landed in...

"Um, Fitz? Where are we?" Sophie asked. She looked around. She didn't see anything familiar, although it smelled like the human world generally did: gross and muggy.

"Welcome to Australia," she heard Fitz say in her ear from beside her.

So that was why Sophie didn't recognize it. She had never been to Australia though she had always wanted to ever since she was little and saw a kangaroo in a children's book. Her heart leaped and started to pound wildly as she stared at Fitz's eyes and dancing expression as he struggled to not smile.

"Sophie, we're going to start our honeymoon in Australia, but I've also mapped out a lot of other places for us to go to. It'll be like each place is a chapter in our lives before we 'settle down'." 

"Wow," Sophie breathed. "I really lucked out when it comes to husbands." Fitz laughed, his chest and shoulders shaking.

"Yeah, nobody else would know about the Forbidden Cities except me and you. I've only been to Australia maybe once or twice but from what I remember, it was gorgeous and I remember feeling like I was missing something... And I realized that that something was you," Fitz smiled.

"Aww, Fitz," Sophie said and kissed him deeply, not caring about the people openly staring at the two "teenagers" making out in the middle of the street.

Fitz pulled away, much to Sophie's disappointment. "Soph, we're here to sightsee. Please stop distracting me..." Sophie pouted. He shook his head. "No, the pouty face won't work..." He sighed and pulled out some papers.

"Okay, so these are for the hotels that I booked here... We also have a ton of money from all of the gifts we got at the wedding; we can use that for clothes and souvenirs. And here are the plane tickets for all of the places we're gonna go after this. Oh, and look at these..." Fitz reached into a bag that Sophie just noticed he was carrying and pulled out two cameras and two...

"You got us iPhones?" Sophie shrieked, not allowing herself to touch it. "When?"

"Remember when I said I had something to do in the Forbidden Cities before the wedding? Well... here we are!" Fitz handed Sophie a brand new rose gold iPhone... XI? 

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