Chapter Nine

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Just another picture above of how I see Ana because she's gorg

The next couple weeks were crazy. The press got ahold of the story that we were engaged and ran with it. Alexander and I were plastered on every news stand in the city. I didn't know how to handle this kind of attention. All I knew is that I didn't want it. I had to explain the entire situation to Nora which was far from easy. Since my father is currently staying in the hospital for treatment it's been easy to hide it from him. I hadn't gotten to speak to him since I left, but today Nora said he would call me. She had said he was doing much better, but something in her voice told me she wasn't telling me everything.

Julia had informed me after my suspicions that the treatment has a 20% chance of actually weakening my father even more. I guess faith in God would be the only thing we could cling to right now.

Fourth of July was next Sunday and I was sad not being able to spend it at home. We'd always throw parties at my house where my family and friends would all come. It was my favorite holiday actually. Dad would be barbecue, Nora would host, Uncle Sam would be drunk. It was a blast, there wouldn't be a person not having a good time.

Whenever I got a free moment with Alexander I was going to ask him. We were currently on our way to another brunch, but this time... with his parents. I can't believe the man was actually lying to his family too! I asked him if he felt bad about it this morning before we left and he simply answered that he wasn't. I tried to talk to him more about it, but just his luck, I was interrupted by another one of his business calls.

I twirled my thumbs around the other and looked out the window. My nerves were getting the best of my.

"Ana, don't be worried." I looked over to him. He always knew what I was feeling. It was almost irritating not being able to hide my emotions from him.

"I feel terrible for lying." I admitted.

He sighed. "You're not lying, we're really getting married."

"For a year, Alex. We'll plan some elaborate wedding and then what? Divorce?" I questioned. "It's just a lot," I whispered out the last part. I knew by the end of this things wouldn't be the same. How could they? I'm a person of interest in New York now that I'm engaged to Alexander Knight.

He smirked, not making me feel any less bad. "We don't have to get a divorce." What?

I rolled my eyes. "Please, you'll be begging for a divorce by the end of all this." I concerted.

"Don't hold your breath," he muttered under his breath, looking out his window.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing how to respond. This man was so confusing 87% of the time I was around him.

We got out of the SUV, immediately surrounded by flashing camera. How did they knew we'd be here?

Alex's arm went around my waist, leading me into the restaurant. As we entered he turned back to his bodyguard, George. "Who the fuck tipped off the press?" He nearly growled at him. I'd never seen Alexander this pissed.

He's so hot.

Oh my god, Ana, stop.

"I'll find out immediately, sir." George said, now calling someone.

Alexander turned towards me, his hand still on my waist. "Ana, I'm sorry, I didn't know they'd be here." He sounded truly sorry, he couldn't even look me.

"Hey," I said, taking one of his hands and give a reassuring squeeze. He looked at me now, gazing down at me with his piercing eyes. "it's fine, I'm fine, we're all good." I told him.

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