Chapter Twenty Nine

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Alright you might want to kill me after reading this note, but I'm postponing the private chapters only because I just don't feel like it truly adds anything to the story. Yeah I know people like the more intimate scenes, but I feel like it's unnecessary. I most likely will post them later after I finish the story, but for right now I'm focusing on the story aspect. I will post something in this book about the private chapters once I finally do put it up. Sorry again for the false hope, I know a lot of you wanted it. ❤️

Loud banging comes from downstairs and I already know it's Alexander. I rush down the stairs to see him and Dimitri nearly toe to toe— looking like he could kill him right there and then.

"Alex," I said, catching his attention.

He rushed over to me and pulled my into his arms. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice was low and I knew he had been worrying about me.

I nodded and put my arms around his torso. "Yes, I'm fine."

"You two are pathetic. Get out of my house."
Dimitri said in annoyance.

Alexander turned around, but kept me behind him almost as if he was protecting me. "We're leaving you sick fuck." He growled out.

"Go back to your penthouse and enjoy it while it lasts." Dimitri taunted.

Alexander went to go towards him, but my hand reached out to go around his arm.  "He's not worth it, Alex. Come on." I pulled him down the rest of the stairs and out the door.

We silently walked to the car and go into the backseat. George was driving luckily. I wouldn't want Alexander behind the wheel of anything at the moment. As soon as we got in we drove off speedily.

His arm was around my shoulders as he brought my closer to him, leaving a kiss on the top of my head. "Are you alright? I told you this was a bad idea. If you would just listen to me for once—"


"Did he hurt you? I'll kill—"


"What?" He said in frustration, his other hand raking through his hair. "Why are you smiling? This isn't funny, Anastasia."

I rolled my eyes and lifted my shirt to which his hands immediately stopped. "Baby, I'm always in the mood for you, but George is here and I'm not giving him a show."

My mouth fell as I pushed at his shoulder. "Mind out of the gutter, Alexander Knight." I scolded. "I think you might want to know what I have under here."

His eyebrow raised. "I think I already know."

I chuckled. "I don't think you do." I raised it once again and his eyes went wide when he saw the recorder taped to my side.

"You... recorded him?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yup. His confession and all."

A wide smile took over his handsome face and he let out a large breath that was mixed with a laugh. "Anastasia... I..." he was speechless.

"I also backed up the photos I took from my phone which he thought he deleted. They're in an email that I sent to you."

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