Chapter Twenty One

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Hey guys! Above is how I picture Marcus. If you envision something different that's totally cool, but yeah there ya go lol

Nearly an hour later Alexander was ready. I'd never seen a man spend so much time on his hair before! He kept ruffling it up and then combing it back, then combing it to the side and then to the back again. It was maddening I had to be the one to take the comb away from him.

We were now in the banquet room with nearly two hundred other people. I was amazed at how many people this room held.

Alex swiftly grabbed two champagne flutes as the waiter whisped by. "Thank you," I said as I took the glass from him.

"Alexander," We both turned around to see an older looking couple standing there. I looked a little longer at the woman since she looked familiar. I've see her face somewhere.

"Calvin, how are you?" Alex asked with a grin, sticking his hand out.

Calvin nodded and shook his head. "Very well," he looked over to the woman beside him. "You remember my wife, Laura, right?"

Alexander had that look for a split second that he in fact did not remember her. But he nodded anyway.  "Of course, so glad you could come." Alex wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. "This is, Anastasia, my fiancé." It's still so weird hearing him call me that.

"You got your hands full with this one." Calvin joked with a chuckle.

You have no idea.

They walked away a few minutes later and I was still standing there trying to figure out how I knew her. "What is their last name?" I asked Alex.

"Spencer," He answered. "Why?"

"She looks so familiar,"

He nodded. "She's a guest judge on Dancing With the Stars occasionally." Of course she is.

"That must be it," I said, but it wasn't. It had to be from somewhere else.

I let the thought disappear as Alexander lead me to different people. We continued having the same conversation with pretty much everyone.

Alex was about to start walking over to another couple, but Marcus approached us before we were able to.

Alex's face fell as he narrowed his eyes at his brother. "Move, Marcus."

"I think your fiancé is dying from boredom." Marcus stated, looking between me and him.

Was it that obvious?

"Go away," Alex grunted.

I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling. Watching the two of them together was pure entertainment. "Alex, how about I go grab us a couple drinks? I'll be right back." I offered, very desperately trying to avoid another conversation about stocks and bonds.

"I'll come with," Marcus rushed to say.

Alex let out a small grunt before nodding. "Fine,"

I smile sweetly before reaching to peck his cheek.

"Gross," Marcus muttered. I rolled my eyes before walking away.

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