Chapter Sixteen

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It's been a week since we came back to the city and what a crazy week it's been. Ever since we announced our engagement Alexander has had more calls and offers since they would assume Dimitri's company would now be affiliated with Alexander's. I didn't understand the whole business aspect of us getting married, but I was just keeping up my end of the bargain and going along with it. As long as my father was being cared for that's all that mattered to me.

Alexander and I had just finished a couple meetings so I was in the middle of sorting through his papers many papers. I turned in the rolling chair and opened the filing cabinet drawer to pull out some papers for tomorrow's meeting. I set Hey them on my desk and started sorting through all of them. He needed specific ones of course. After going through a little more than half the pile, I came across the envelope with 'PRIVATE' written across it I had put in there almost a month ago with full intent of returning it back to Alexander, but forgot.

I bit my bottom lip, debating on whether or not I should open it.

Maybe it wasn't a mistake? I tried to convince myself that this was a good idea and there'd be no consequences. I mean, what's the worst that could be in there?

That was enough reasoning for me.

I looked around the room, making sure I wasn't being watched. I opened the top of it, pulling the papers from their  envelope. I looked at the first page and read it.

Pictures, notes, and other papers against Dimitri Sterling and Diana Sterling are all in this file. Keep in mind that these were taken over the course of a year and seven months. Any further questions you know where to reach me.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I began flipping through the pages. The next few pages had photographs in a bundle that nearly fell to the ground. I set the rest of the papers down and looked through the photos. They were mainly of Dimitri walking in and out of various places, often looking extremely sketchy. My mother was in a few of the photographs as well.

I nearly gasped when I saw the photo of me. I was in Arizona, at a restaurant my friends and I often went to. In the photo I was laughing, surrounded by Kayla and my friend, Tom. I remember that night, it was a little over a year ago. A bunch of us had gotten together since we were about a month away from graduating college.

I continued flipping though and seeing more photos of me. They were pictures of me going to work, talking to people, even entering my home. I felt overwhelmed as I continued looking and even had to stop.

Why does he have all these?

I shook my head, furious. I needed an explanation, now. I collected all the photos and papers, swinging the door open to his office. He was sat at his desk, now looking up at me with confusion on his stupid handsome face.

"What the hell are these?" I questioned sharply, tossing all the files in front of him on the desk.

He looked down at the photos, picking them up and sighing. "Ana-"

"Don't Ana me. Tell me," I demanded.

He sighed and stood from his desk to walk around, standing a few feet away from me. "These weren't for you to see."

I scoffed. "You're really not helping yourself."

He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "No, I mean, well yes these weren't for you to see, but I meant this wasn't meant to be weird or anything." He fumbled with his words making me even more skeptical. "This file was about Dimitri. He has something that he loves to hold against me, Anastasia. I needed a leverage,"

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