Chapter Eleven

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Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy this extra chapter! Hope you guys have a great day xx

We stepped out of the car and approached the busy looking bar. Alex took a long stride in front of me to open the door, letting me enter first. Immediately the noise of talking and music with the bass to high surrounded me. I looked behind me to make sure Alex was behind me before I continued walking. His hand landed on the small of my back as he lead me forward. It was dimly lit and the place was packed. We at times sidestepped our way through the sea of people.

I saw John and a few other familiar faces over at a tall table near the corner. I lead Alexander over there, his arm still around my waist.

"Hey," I greeted as we stood at the head of the table.

"Hey!" A few of them greeted in unison while others gave a swift wave. When they saw Alexander behind me, their boss, they looked a bit uncomfortable.

Please let this not be too awkward of a night.

John stood from his seat, sticking a hand out to Alex. "Good to see you, Mr. Knight. Can I buy you a drink?" He asked.

Alex shook his hand. "Please, call me Alexander." He said to release some of the tension. "Next round is on me."

John nodded and smiled. "Alexander, that's gonna be weird to say." Oh this is so awkward.

After we got a couple seats to put up to the table, Alex kept his promise and ordered a round of drinks for everyone. He mingled amongst his employees, but he somehow managed to make it not feel weird that they were drinking with their boss who was pretty much a celebrity. We all laughed and talked, avoiding anything work related. It was so odd seeing Alexander laid back. The next couple hours flew by and before I knew it it was nearly ten o'clock.

I lost count after the fourth beer at how much alcohol I had actually consumed. All I knew was that I was drunk. Like drunk drunk. I needed to use the restroom and looked down at the ground.

This barstool had to have grown twenty feet...

I extended a wobbly leg out as I lowered myself out of the stool, nearly falling over as my feet hit the ground. I felt slightly unstable as I teetered back and forth. I felt a hand hold my waist, studying me. "Are you alright?" I looked over to see Alex's handsome face looking at me with concern.

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth as I nodded. "Yup," I was not alright.

Alex looked amused with a knowing smirk. "Ana, are you drunk?" Does he really need to ask?

I bit my lip to stop from smiling, but it was no help. "Noooo, I'm not!" I denied, very obviously lying. I couldn't walk a straight line to save myself at this point. "Let me go, Alexander I need to pee." I slurred as I attempted to pry his hand from my hip. I didn't actually have to use the restroom. I think that my drunk self just wanted to move somewhere away from the table.

He shook his head and only tightened his hold, pulling my to his side even more. "I don't think you're able to walk there without hurting yourself." He sounded amused, yet his facial expression showed that he actually was concerned.

Oh my heart.

My attention span was little to none so when a song came on with an intense bass and good rhythm I completely forgot about ever going to the restroom. I looked up to him with an excited smile, probably verging on creepy. But drunk me didn't care. "I'm dancing," Before he was able to react, I was out of his hold and heading towards the dance floor.

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