Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cong Wei Yang felt free and happy these days. For the past seven days she'd been busy having tea parties and sending out gifts in an effort to rub shoulders with high officials' wives.

Though the wives and women would often ask for Da Fan, she made it no secret that she had punished her. To Cong Wei Yang she was effectively establishing her role as a First Wife.

After finishing the household affairs, Cong Wei Yang headed for the gardens. She plans on having another tea party at the location.

"Go away, get away from me. You won't get away with this."

Walking through the gardens and the central area, Cong Wei Yang saw a young woman being held by group of maids. A scowl appears on Cong Wei Yang face as she recognizes the woman as Da Fan's personal maid.

"What is going on here?"

The women turned to look and the women's face changed colour.

Meirin forced herself not to attack Cong Wei Yang. She knows the plan of her Mistress and will follow it but she can't help but want to tear her into a million pieces.

Cong Wei Yang looked coldly at the servants and guards in the area. "This is the Feng Household, what sort of behaviour is yelling and screaming?"

The servants seeing Cong Wei Yang action these past few days wanted to get in her good graces.

"Second Madam is being punished for disrespecting royalty. Acting week and meek won't let me change my mind. It's called a punishment for a reason."

Seeing Cong Wei Yang proud posture, Meirin spat out, "Then can you bear the weight of my Mistress death, First Madam."

Cong Wei Yang huffs and smiles thinly, "Second Madam servant is brazened, as the Master is responsible for the servant she shall be punished for a further weak. For disobeying her superiors take her away and give her beatings."

The guards grabbed Meirin. Trying to pull away from them Meirin shouted, "Let me go, let me go."

"What's this!?"

Everyone froze in place. Feng Huang had arrived. Meirin broke away from the guards and threw herself at Feng Huang's' feet.

"Master, please call for a doctor. Second Madam is deathly ill."

Feng Huang was surprised at the commotion that welcomed him home. He was even more surprised at Meirin's words. Feng Huang turned to Cong Wei Yang and asked, "What does she mean?"

"She's exaggerating. Second Madam is in the ancestral hall being punished. Don't tell me that as the First Wife I can't punish the Second Madam?"

Meirin butted in before Feng Huang could answer.

"Master, Mistress has been punished by kneeling in the ancestral hall. Second Madam didn't complain, even when meals weren't delivered to her. She was adamant it was for punishment, but due to the past two days of rain and he cold weather in the ancestral hall Mistress fell ill. I wasn't even allowed to bring a blanket to her. I was just asking First Madam for a doctor when she refused. Master, please help Second Madam. I don't know how long she can last."

Feng Huang rage peaked as he listened to Meirin. He glowered at Cong Wei Yang who eek and shrank into herself.

Feng Huang stormed to the ancestral hall, giving the guards there deathly looks.

"Da Fa!" Feng Huang ran to her. He lifted Da Fan from the floor and into his embrace taking her into his courtyard and onto his bed.

"Call the doctor now!"

Feng Huang could feel waves of heat coursing through Da Fa's body. Cold sweat glistened on her usually rosy skin. Her eyes looked sullen and her skin sallow.

"How long has she been in there?" Feng Huang asked of Meirin who had followed him the entire way by Da Fan's side.

"Almost eight days."

Furious Feng Huang shouted, "Where is the doctor?"

Immediately a guard came into the room.

"Where is the doctor?" Feng Huang asked of him."

Nervous, the guard quickly replied, "Doctor Wong retired three months ago. His practice was overtaken by someone else.

"Then get him here." Feng Huang bellowed. "See if I won't kill the lot of you if I don't see a doctor here."

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