Chapter Forty-Five

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One news after the other exploded in the capital; from Marquis Mo's crimes, to victory at the Eastern border and now to General Cong fighting his son-in-law. It's said that General Cong was fighting with his son-in-law after his daughter was punished for cruelly beating a servant. It was also said that the General demanded Cong Wei Yang be released, but Feng Huang refuses and confines her saying her punishment not yet over.

Civilian A, in a restaurant spoke as if he was on the scene. "The First Madam is sick with fever. They saw that she's losing her mind after running out into a storm. My wife's cousin, sister-in-law's brother nephew who works in the Feng manor says the First Madam was the cause of the Second Madam lost of her unborn child a couple of months ago.

The surrounding gasped while Civilian B mutters, "That's why the Second Madam was sick a couple of months ago. She's very beautiful and kind."

Civilian A nods his head. "Even after causing the Second Madam to lose her child, the Second Madam spares no effort to call doctors and buy medicine. The First Madam is beyond sick."

Another civilian shudders to himself and said. If I was Minister Feng I would of gotten rd of the kind of wife months ago. Bah, what can he do when General Cong is the father?"

Up in the VIP area, General Cong smashes his cup in anger. "You hear what they're saying about your sister? About my family? '

"Why don't you just kill them?" Cong Lu Zhang mutters from the wine cup in his hand.

"Kill them then do what Lu Zhang?" General COng hisses his teeth. "Who has been spreading this news? It must be Feng Huang! That bastard!"

Cong Shu Lan looked worried. After the Second Prince had hit her, she choose to lay low for a while trying to get into his good graces. Even as the Second Prince welcomes new concubines into his harem.

"Father, what are we going to do? We can't let little sister stay there, can we?

General COng mumbles, throwing back a glass of liquor. General Cong noticed that the entire time with talking to Feng Huang, the man never once refer to Cong Wei Yang as his wife, only as the First Madam.

"It must be that bitch!" Cong Shu Lan suddenly exclaimed causing General Cong to pause in his drinking.


"Cheng Da Fan." Cong Shu Lan grits her teeth. "She's Feng Huang's Second Wife. Over that bitch, the Second Prince hitted me. "

General Cong eyes burned with hidden anger, "Who is the this woman? A worldly being that causes men to lose reason? I haven't heard of any major family name Cheng."

Cong Lu Zhang who was strangely quiet between the two suddenly spoke. His voice was slurred, a common trait of a drunken man.

"My, my, my," He smacked his lips. "The Second Madam is a beauty indeed. She should have been my wife."

"Shut up, you fool. "Cong Shu Lan shouted at him.

Cong Lu Zhang got up and push Cong Shu Lan down with his hand in her face. "Shut up you prim tail bitch."

The two began arguing when General Cong slammed his hands down on the table in front of them.

"The both of you be quiet." He looked at his two children. "We can't do anything for your sister right now, but we will soon." General COng continued speaking. "Shu Lan?", keep watching the Second Prince."

Cong Shu Lan grumbled in her seat.

"Lu Zhang?" General Cong called.

The drunken idiot peered at the General's blurryface. "Yes?" her hiccuped.

"Keep out of trouble. I can't keep taking care of the families of the maidens you keep violating."

Cong Shu Lan looks at her brother is disgust and said beneath her breath. "Disgusting pig."


Da Fan leaned against Feng Huang eating grapes. The latter was sitting and reading unaware his wife was now staring at his as her grapes had finished.

Seeing that Da Fan had stopped eating, Feng Huang put the book in his hand down and said. "Full?"

"En." Da Fan walked over to where a basin of water was placed and washed her hands.

Feng Huang walked behind Da Fan and took a towel drying Da Fan's delicate hands. "Would Wife be willing to take a walk with husband?"

"En, where?" Feng Huang didn't respond, he just held her hand and walked out the room. The two passed both their courtyards, through the garden heading deeper into the Feng Manor.

Da Fan was confused as to where they are going. She looked around for any signs that could help her. Feng Huang stopped at a lonely courtyard. It wasn't neither dirty or dilapidated just cold. The courtyard was by itself amidst a lake and plum trees.

Da Fan tugged at Feng Huang sleeve. "Where are we?"

"Illusion Courtyard." He answered. Da Fan til her head, looking cute and lost. Feng Huang tapped at her nose.

"The illusion courtyard was built by me almost two years ago. Like the cold palace, it was made to keep person's here, away from the main courtyards. This is where Cong Wei Yang along with her maid has been."

Da Fan did wonder where the two was but didn't care enough to ask.

"Henbane is grown and turned into incense and burned here." Da Fan saw Kuchen in the distance and asked about him. "As he loves researching toxic plants, Kuchen has been researching how henbane affects the mind. Cong Wei Yang is currently trapped in her mind. To her she's living the life right now."

For the First time and only time Da Fan felt fear for her husband.

"Don't be afraid. I'll never hurt you." Feng Huang said to her. "I wanted to get rid of Cong Wei Yang but couldn't and caused her to hurt you. For that I am sorry."

Da Fan held Feng Huang's hands and squeezed them lightly. " I've already forgiven you."

"Are you mad that I didn't kill her or gave her a harsher punishment?"

"No." Da Fan said looking back at Cong Wei Yang. From a distance she could see the silly smile on her face. " There's no harsher punishment than living a life that's not real. Even worse to be living that life and not knowing it's not real."

Taking her eyes from the scene Da Fan pulled at Feng Huang hands. "Come lets go. I stew duck for dinner."

"Glutton, didn't you just finish eating"

There voices fade as the two left the Illusion courtyard with Cong Wei Yang trapped in her own little world. 

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