Chapter Forty-Seven

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Feng Huang jumps out the carriage with relative ease watching as it falls to the precipice below. He could hear the panic neighing of the horses, then a crash and a heartfelt cry from the horse as it and the carriage crashes to the ground below.

Feng Huang had felt something was wrong with the carriage on the road from one of the Second Prince's victim. The carriage had sped up near a sharp turn; he looked outside to find the carriage driver gone and the horse running madly as if it was injected with chicken blood.

Knowing the danger and the fall that awaited him if he continued to stay on the carriage, Feng Huang chose the jump to secure his life. He landed on a relatively grassy area, receiving bruises, bumps and a cut to his arm and forehead.

"Master!" A guard that traveled with Feng Huang shouted. After the carriage had sped up the guard tried to catch up it but was no match for the four horses and the carriage.

"Stop shouting you fool!" Scores of pain greeted Feng Huang as he tried to get up. The blood and dirt covering him made him a sight for sore eyes. Feng Huang got up with the help of his guard and limped over to the cliff edge. Although, he could see the carriage he could make out blood splattering on the rocks.

"Find that carriage driver." Feng Huang ordered.

He knew it was a matter of time before the Second Prince and his allies come for his life. He was flooded by feelings of danger and for a second his whole body froze. They can't openly take his life but accidents do happen and that's what they want to happen.

The journey back to the Feng mansion took half the time it usually would by the time Da Fan heard of the accident Feng Huang was already being treated by Kuchen. Though the little bruises and bumps could be counted as nothing, the wound to Feng Huang forehead nearly took his left eye.

Kuchen wrapped a gauze around Feng Huang's head to prevent infection to his forehead and eye and moved to treat the wound on his arm.

Da Fan walked in Feng Huang's courtyard to see Kuchen treating his arm, Feng Huang looked up to see her with worry stamped on her face. He grinned to himself he liked seeing this Da Fan this way. Ever since the two became aware of each other feelings, Da Fan has been showing him more and more emotions.

"How's the wound Kuchen?" Da Fan asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched him remove dirt from the cut.

"Master is very fortunate that the cut to his forehead isn't any lower for he would have lost his eye. The wound to the arm is superficial. I should be healed in a week or so."

"Come on darling." Feng Huang said using his free to pull Da Fan to side. "It's not that bad."

Kuchen skillfully washed the wound before putting poultrice on the wound wrapping it. " Master, please keep the wound dry. This servant will come back in the morning to rewrap the wound."

Steward Xin helped to clear the room leaving his masters to themselves. Feng Huang noticing that Da Fan still had not calm down kissed the exposed part of her neck that he could actually reach.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Was this really an accident?" Even without hearing the full story Da Fan deduced that it was no accident.


Da Fan narrowed her eyes at him. Feng Huang paid no attention to her just going to sit on his bed leaning against the headboard. Steaming with anger and rushed up to Feng Huang on the. She straddled his legs making her blue muslin dress ride up exposing her creamy thighs. Da Fan grabbed the front of Feng Huang's robe.

"Tell me?" She demanded.

"Well aren't you bold." He said to her. "It wasn't an accident. I'm now looking for the carriage driver."

Feng Huang rubbed his hands over her creamy thighs. "Forget about that. Wife you're being awfully bold today, aren't you?"

Da Fan looked to see what Feng Huang was talking about and squealed at her state of attire. He dress had ridden up to her upper thighs showing her legs to the world. If, you look closely you can see her underwear. Feng Huang grinned and began whispering in her ear making Da Fan squirm on his lap.

He was partly doing this to distract her but was taken back with lust after seeing her take charge, dominating persona a moment ago.

"Wife is in charge tonight. Husband his injured." Feng Huang pulled Da Fan with him so that he was lying on his bed with his head propped up by a pillow and her still on his lap.

Da Fan blushed hard. "If I didn't know, I might have thought it was your back that's injured."

"Pretend it's injured." Feng Huang said to her. "Tonight, Wife you're in charge."


A week after the accident Feng Huang Huang was no closer at capturing the culprit. He had taken a few days from court to recuperate and immediately made his was to the military barracks located in the capital. After, his less than thrilling encounter with the General Prince last time Feng Huang is reluctant to talk to him.

Feng Huang entered the office of the third Prince Jing Heng after receiving his consent. Jing Heng also called the General Prince was reclining in his chair with his feet cocked up on his desk with a scroll in his hand.

'What an uncouth Prince.' Feng Huang thought.

Jing Heng placed the scroll on the desk and gave Feng Huang one of his cocky smiles. "Minister Feng, how nice to see you."

Feng Huang could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "Your Highness, it's good to see you too." Heng Huang said somewhat forcefully.

"What can I do for you Minister?"

Feng Huang took out a scroll handing it to Jing Heng, on it was information the Prince was searching for.

"You got my attention."

Feng Huang smirked. "If I can prove this for you, will you be willing to work together with me?"

Jing Heng was cautious he wasn't a General by being reckless. "What's in it for me?"

"Other than the chance to take General Cong down?"

It wasn't a secret that Jing Heng despised General Cong after all the first war Jing Heng participated in as a soldier, General Cong made some choices that resulted in the death of soldiers in Jing Heng's squad.

"I'll do it." Jing Heng waited nearly seven years for this. There is no way he would let the chance to General Cong downed and clipped one of his older brother's support wings escape.

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