Chapter Thirty

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Da Fan wore a pink smoke dress, the edges of the skirt lightly brushed on the ground enhancing the delicate shape of her body. Her hair was rolled up in a bun and secured with a green pin.

It had been months since any one had seen the Second Wife of the Feng's. News of her pregnancy hadn't spread, only accounts of her being ill. What everyone saw was a radiant woman shining brightly.

Da Fan didn't come to the party with Feng Huang, this time her and Cong Wei Yang had arrived together. The Marquis of Mo, the Minister Revenue had extended his greetings to Feng Huang. He was the first to do so since the Emperor's appointment.

Da Fan smiled lightly, clearing outshining the First Madam Cong Wei Yang, who stood beside her frowning in anger.

Da Fan's Father intelligence gave her information to Marquis Mo. Thinking of her father, Da Fan remembers her last conversation with him.


Cheng Chu Lan study his daughter sitting across from him, her hand delicately picking up a cup of tea and sipping it. Silence hung in the air between the two, Cheng Chu Lan tried to read his daughter.

It was impossible, as an intelligence officer he commends her, as a father he wished he was a man. Da Fan's shrewd, cunning and wise, she sees the underlined issues in which not even his personally trained sons can't see.

"You've made a mistake."

It wasn't a statement but a fact. "You underestimate your enemy and overestimate yourself."

A rare silver of emotion passed through his eyes."

"And you've paid the price." It might sound callous but both father and mother had tried their best to prepare Da Fan for the reality of navigating a noble life.

Da Fan placed the teacup on the table in front of her. She took a napkin and gently wiped her mouth.

"I did." She confirmed. There was no need for flowery pleasantries.

"Do you need help?"

The relationship between father and child is strong. Often times her Father would be the one to comfort her when the harsh lessons of her mother got too overwhelming.

"Not with taking care of them. (1) So long as the green mountains are preserved, there will be no shortage of firewood. I require your assistance with my husband."

(1) This line is saying do not despair, there is plenty of time and opportunity.

"Is he treating you well?"

A smile graced Da Fan's lips, Cheng Chu Lan sound like an overprotective father, ready to war for his daughter.

"As well as he can. I need information on the current Chawanian border breach. The official report doesn't state much."

Cheng Chu Lan raised a brow. "You've read the report? Da Fan a lady is not supposed to participate in government affairs."

"I'm not participating only assisting."

Cheng Chu Lan gave his daughter an eye to which she smiled cheekily.

"Marquis Mo is having the first social season party, attend the gathering and you might find information."

Da Fan tried to question her father for more information but he wouldn't answer. Da Fan knew there were more to the border breach than what is letting out.

"Your mother heard that you've arrived, go and visit her. She's been so worried for you for the past few months."

Da nodded and went to leave when her father stopped her.

"Da Fan, don't come back to the house until Feng Huang has solved the border case."

Da Fan didn't quite understand the reason, five weeks later her father was promoted and transferred to Jingzhou to manage the country's northern territory.

Da Fan and Feng Huang had discussed going to Marquis Mo's social gather only after repeated warning and pleading on both sides did he allowed her to go. And because it would look bad on them as a noble family Cong Wei Yang would join and lead as Madam Wu Shan had opted out of going.


Da Fan took note of Marquis Mo and his first wife Madam Mo as they came to greet them. Marquis Mo and Madam Mo were garb with gaudy gold jewelry. Gold rings and rings line the entire ten fingers and thick necks of Marquis Mo. His plump wife looks more like a jewelry stand than a woman.

"First Madam Feng, Second Madam Feng." Marquis Mo's lecherous gaze penetrated both women. It came went as quickly as it came.

Madam Mo knows of her husband love for young women, but couldn't stand at how he stared at the two women in front of her.

"Welcome and thank you for attending."

Cong Wei Yang and Da Fan followed the escorts towards the inner hall. Meanwhile, Marquis Mo was advising his wife on treating the two Madam Feng's well.

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