Chapter Forty-One

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Meirin began to cough as if something got caught in her throat. Audacious. Da Fan almost choked on her tea. Was the Old Madam blaming her for Cong Wei Yang's behaviour? Has the Old Madam gone insane?

Da Fan coughed lightly, "There's a limit one's tolerance Old Madam. You're my elder and mother-in-law so I won't say much, but please don't be a rat moving to a pied piper's tune."

The Old Madam flushed blood red in shame. She sputtered endlessly trying to form a response until she settled on one. "Why I never..."

Da Fan rolled her eyes, "I don't know why you place so much care into the First Wife. Please remember all things can be forgotten and replace."

It wasn't a subtle statement to put it simply so the Old Madam understood what Da Fan means. Da Fan placed her tea cup onto the table, giving the Old Madam her full attention.

"I have no intention of asking husband or even encourage him to attend to Cong Wei Yang. Quite frankly she sick his stomach. A woman as ungracious, malicious and unvirtuous as she is not a jewel meant to shine but a cloth that's easily discarded when used.

The Old Madam couldn't quite believe her ears. Da Fan has always been kind and soft spoken. Where is that person now.

"It's wise, Old Madam, if you reflect on the First Madam and decide if she is worth being the wife to Feng Huang."

Da Fan got up and bowed stiffly to the Old Madam. "If you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

The pale faced, ashen Old Madam sat numbly m trying to gather her thoughts. Meirin look at the Old Madam and said. "The First Madam is just using you, Old Madam. My Mistress respects you, but your actions and words have crossed the line. As a mother and wife please think hard on what she said to you."

Meirin followed after Da Fan. She wasn't afraid of being punished for being out of line with the Old Madam.

Cong Wei Yang quietly waited for the sounds of footsteps to announce the Old Madam's arrival. Her eyes carried a slightly cold yet arrogant expression. She was sure the Old Madam would value her more, after all she is the first wife. Da Fan is just the second wife.

The pitter patter of footsteps interrupted her thoughts and the cold yet arrogant expression changed into a sorrowful one. Cong Wei Yang expected to see the Old Madam but only saw her servant.

Cong Wei Yang's sorrowful expression changed and a silver of coldness flashed in her eyes. She spoke softly as if in deep pain while showing extreme displeasure.

"Where is the Old Madam? Didn't she say she would visit me?"

The servant smirked in disgust, she didn't know what right mind the Old Madam is in to like this type of daughter-in-law. "The Old Madam says she cannot visit you today. Her health has taken a turn for the worst and will be going to the Feng property just outside the capital to recuperate."

"What?" Cong Wei Yang's expression was extremely ugly right now.

"The servant continues, "The Old Madam hopes that when she returns she will be in much better condition and that the First Madam stay calm and rested within courtyard these next two months. In the meanwhile the Second Madam will be in charge of the household. If you require anything while she's gone to just ask the Second Madam.

Cong Wei Yang high pitched scream frightened the servant who took a step away from Cong Wei Yang. She look like she wanted to tear the servant face off.

Sick? The Old Madam was healthy as a horse this morning. Rest for two months? Isn't that a pretty way of way she's confined to her courtyard for two months. Second Madam is in charge? She can ask for anything? Cong Wei Yang would rather die that ask Da Fan for anything.

"AAAH!" Cong Wei Yang lets out another high pitch scream. She stated throwing stuff around and then her eyes glared murderously at the servant.

The servant backed out of the room and run screaming, "Help. Call the doctor. The First Madam is having another episode."


"So?" Da Fan asked Meirin who relaying to her Cong Wei Yang's response to the Old Madam's message.

"Kuchen gave the First Madam a sedative. According to him it will keep the First Madam drugged for at least a couple days. Two guards were assigned to the First Madam's courtyard. Should we increase the guards?

"No need. As she is Cong Wei Yang is not a threat." Da Fan popped a pastry into her mouth, calmly eating.

"Have Kuchen continue to monitor her on the premise of keeping the First Madam calm."

"What about the Old Madam?"

"There's no need to watch her. The Old Madam won't be an issue anymore. Her eyes have been opened."

Meirin nodded handing Da Fan a napkin to wipe her mouth. "Madam, an invitation to the Empress's banquet was just received Should we accept?"

Da Fan eyes brightened for a bit and slow, lazy smile formed on her lips. "Yes, we can't not go. Send a reply stating that the Second Madam will attend in the place of the Old Madam and the First Madam."

Da Fan wanted to meet the biological mother of Feng Huang.

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