Chapter 8- Back To Work (Edited)

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Aaliya's POV

Not knowing the plan my parents had made I woke up and realized it was Monday meaning I have work today. Praying to Allah for strength I dressed in a simple black and gold maxi dress with a gold hijab styled nicely and gold shoes.

Picking up my phone and heading downstairs, I got a message from my boss telling me to bring Amira to work today as she will be safe. I felt a rush of happiness run through my veins as I know that she will be safe and can concentrate on my work. Quickly getting Amira ready, I said my salaams to my parents and I left the house.

"Mummy where are we going?" questioned Amira whilst looking at me with puzzled eyes.

"You will find out soon baby", I replied to her and smiled at her whilst she started to look outside and hug her teddy bear (which she would NEVER leave at home).

Reaching the building, I parked my car, unstrapped Amira and took her out of the car. Placing her on the ground I shut the car door and held her hand as we walked towards the building. I began to feel nervous not knowing what everybody would think.

Walking through the automatic doors I greeted Zainab and told her I will explain later. Heading towards my office I picked Amira up and told her not to talk to anybody apart from me and my boss whilst placing her on my hip.

"Who is your boss mummy?" Amira questioned me, as Amir walked through the door with two boxes of chocolate and a beautiful boutique of red roses. What great timing I thought.

"Mir-Mir!" screamed Amira as she ran into Amir's arms hugging him.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. I was shocked beyond words. Walking up to Amir he handed me the roses and a box of chocolate whilst handing a box to Amira. We both thanked him and took the gifts from him as I placed them down on the table.

"Thank you soo much Mir-Mir," said Amira as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"So your name is Mir-Mir now hey?" I asked him whilst letting my laughter out that I tried so hard in holding it in.

"Yes my name is Mir-Mir but only my princes can call me that," he said as he bent down and placed a kiss on Amira's cheek. My heartbeats sped up as I smiled at his gesture.

"I love you Mir-Mir", said Amira as she kissed his cheek and came and kissed my cheek whilst hugging me.

I just prayed for happiness for everybody who is suffering and for my family, in sha Allah they will be granted Jannah, Ameen.


Amir's POV

I smiled as I saw my princess with Aaliya who were both talking about something with smiles on their faces. Looking down at the two boxes of chocolates in my hand and the boutique of red roses, I opened the door and walked in. My breath got caught in my throat as Aaliya stood there in a beautiful black and gold maxi dress with gold shoes and a gold hijab wrapped elegantly around her head.

Suddenly I heard a voice shout "Mir-Mir" and I knew it was Amira as only she calls me that because she can't pronounce Amir properly. Soon her arms were wrapped around my legs and I knew she was hugging me. Aaliya walked over to me with amusement in her eyes as I handed her a box of chocolate and roses whilst giving Amira baby her box of chocolate, They both thanked me as Aaliya placed them down on a table. Amira came and kissed my cheek whilst saying I love you to me and then went to her mum and said the same thing, I secretly made a dua to Allah that he grants everybody with a life full of happiness and blessings Ameen.

"What did you do on the weekend? "I asked Amira as her eyes instantly brightened up on the word weekend.

"My favourite khalas, my mummy's friends, came over and stayed the weekend and we had lots of fun and ate chocolates and ice cream and sweets and my mummy was happy and that made me happy, thank you Allah for giving my mum her friends and family" she said in a really excited tone and made my eyes water as well as her own mother's.

Bending down I picked her up in my arms and I placed a kiss on her cheek and said: "your mummy is so proud of you".

Aaliya came over with tears in her eyes and I handed her daughter to her, knowing in Islam it is not allowed for men and woman to touch each other as we are their non-mahrams (people who they can marry which doesn't include father, uncles, grandfathers, brothers and close cousins, once they get married their husband comes into the list.) which she gladly took Amira and kissed her on her forehead and wiped her own tears and started tickling Amira causing her to erupt into a fit of laughter that soon caused me and Aaliya to join in.

As the laughter died down, I got my laptop and opened it up and started working with Aaliya on our presentation that has to be finished by 1 pm which is in an hour.

Finishing our presentation there was a knock on the door and Zainab appeared with a tension-filled look on her face. Asking her what is wrong she told me that

"The people who arranged the meeting are here" laughing. I told her that we are ready so let's get the meeting started.

Aaliya looked at me with a worried expression on her face "What about Amira?" she questioned me whilst picking her up.

"Don't worry about it you can bring her in as there is a separate section for the kids" I answered and with that she calmed down. Heading towards the meeting room I told Aaliya "wait here and I will drop Amira into the playroom".

Dropping Amira in the playroom, I quickly placed a kiss on her cheek and walked to Aaliya who had a look of admiration in her eyes with the corner of her lips turning upwards.

"Shall we go to the meeting room?" I asked Aaliya as she shook her head indicating yes.

Heading towards the meeting room, I was thinking of what Aaliya would think of Mr Ahmed as he is a wonderful man with four children but I have only seen three out of the four and I really wanted to see the fourth child.

Opening the door and walking in I heard Aaliya gasp as she saw Mr Ahmed whilst Mr Ahmed only smiled at her, I knew something fishy was going on between them. Ignoring what had happened I carried on with the meeting and smiled happily when I found out I had got the contract.

"Hello Amir beta(son) remember you said you wanted to meet the fourth child even though she is the third child and second youngest, well now you have met all of them", he said as Aaliya, oblivious to what Mr Ahmed was talking about, came over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

My eyes widened as realization dawned upon me, Aaliya is Mr Ahmed's daughter! Oh, my Allah. Noo!

"I guess I forgot to tell you Mr Shehzard when I am working for you I thought you knew,"Aaliya said with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"No I didn't, I thought it was a coincidence as there are lots of people with the surname Ahmed," I said shocked at the girl standing in front of me. Why is she not working for her dad's company and why mine?

"I am not working in my dad's company because I want to be treated like a normal person and work hard to earn and achieve my dream which is becoming successful and building my own orphanage in sha Allah(if God wills). But I know that I can do that with my parent's money and not mine and I thank Allah for the success of my family's but it's not the same as earning my own and providing for my family because a daughter only stays in her own house for a certain amount of time and I don't want to be a burden on any one of my family members anymore." Aaliya said as a lone tear rolled down her right cheek as her dad hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Smiling at the father-daughter bond they have I started walking towards the door when Mr Ahmed said" Congratulation on getting the deal and take care of my daughter and grandchild as I am going home to take my nap and then go to my office and deal with all my meetings, take care Allah Hafiz (goodbye)", said Mr Ahmed whilst placing a kiss on Aaliya's forehead and headed towards the door and left not before giving one last smile.

Looking at Aaliya we got back to work preparing presentations for the business meetings we have with clients and an exhausted Amira came walking into the room, rubbing her eyes whilst yawning and sat on Aaliya's lap, and fell asleep smiling.

Telling Aaliya she can go home as the presentation is finished she picked up Amira and left but forgot her purse and by the time I went to find her she had left and I looked at the time and it was 9 at night so I thought of delivering it to her house the next day in the morning.

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