Chapter 12- Shock (Edited)

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Aaliya's POV

It's been two days since the amazing surprise and I feel really giddy and nervous. Giddy because of all the weddings that are going to take place in sha Allah but then I feel nervous because there is this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as if something is going to go wrong.

I am so happy at the events that recently took place. I thank Allah for making it all happen and making dua that everybody stays happy. It is currently New Year's Eve and all my friends and family have gathered around at my place and to say I was scared would be a lie. Don't get me wrong I love my family but the number of people I had in my family, Amir's family, my friend's families and Amir's friend's families were absolutely thousands and it freaked me out as I am a claustrophobic person and hate small spaces.

Getting ready and setting the game room for our dance competition, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in the door is open," I said as the door opened and revealed all the future couples in sha Allah.

"As-Salaam wa alaikum everybody how are you?" I questioned.

"Wa alaikum mas salam to you to Aaliya we are fine Alhamdulillah," everybody replied as they made way to the massive white leather U shaped sofa in the middle of the room leaving enough space for people to walk in front of it and behind it without getting squished.

I could tell everybody is excited because of all the excited chatter on who's going to stay awake until New Years and who is going to win in Just Dance 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and bowling, hide and seek, laser tag and many more games.

All the girls sat on one side of the room as all the boys sat on the other side of the room because even though we are all couples we still are not married and that could lead to haram things being done as Allah is our witness and in a few months' time we will all be sitting here as married couples in sha Allah.

"Okay so we are all going to play Just Dance and see who wins and by doing that we will write our names on pieces of paper and put them in a hat or bowl and pull two names out, whoever gets pulled out then has to compete against each other until they win, it may not seem simple now but you will get the hang of it soon and it will be so much fun!" I shouted as everybody looked at me like I have grown two heads and agreed with nothing to lose.

As everybody wrote their names on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl as we didn't have a hat and nobody could be bothered to go all the way downstairs and get one. I quickly shot gunned pulling the names out of the hat and reached into the hand and pulled out a name and quickly read it and smiled as I knew this is gonna be fun, I then pulled out a second name and my smile widened even more.



Amar stared in amazement as his name was read out from a slip of paper that Aaliya was holding and Aaliya paused before she read out the second name as she knew this is going to be fun as she is going to put a show on for everyone tonight and everybody knew they will sleep with a big smile on their faces and dream of the events that took place.

The first round was between Aaliya and Amar and all of Aaliya's friends knew she could dance amazingly. The music started and Amar and Aaliya stood up and walked up to the centre of the room

"You are going down, prepare to lose the big brother," Aaliya said innocently whilst smiling at Amir who looked scared as he had never seen this side of Aaliya before.

The music started and the moves appeared on the screen and Aaliya quickly faced the 60-inch plasma TV that was hung on the wall and without a second to pause started following all the moves being shown swiftly without missing any moves. Amar was left gaping at Aaliya wondering how can she do this so amazingly as he was barely keeping up with the moves. The round ended with Aaliya winning and Amar losing both red-faced as they went to sit down on their sides of the room and all the girls hugged Aaliya whilst the boys just congratulated her.

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