Chapter 40-Fun Moments. (Edited)

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Aaliya's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face and a heart full of love and content. I turned over onto my side to find Amir sleeping peacefully and looking so innocent on his sleep. I got out of bed and slipped on my nightgown and made my way towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and decided to do two dutch braids and change my clothes.

I didn't need to wear a scarf on the third floor as it belongs to us because only we use it and Amir asked his parents if we could keep it. If anybody wants to come they either message or announce their presence before climbing the stairs. We are also thinking about changing one of the spare bedroom into a kitchen.

I decided to dress comfy but appropriate so I wore a purple oversized hoodie with 'Sorry, I am late, I didn't want to be here' in white lettering with light grey jeans. It was funny and I know it would piss Subhan off because when I first came to this house and was getting a tour of the house, I saw the exact same hoodie and coloured jeans on his bed in his room. However, I don't know if he is going to be dressed like me coz then I could have taken the mick of his outfit.

I then started making my way towards the twin's room. I heard small muttering coming from inside the room and began to wonder who it was and slowly opened the door. What my eyes saw next made my heart swell with pride, knowing I have taught my daughter well and brought her up, right.

There in front of me, Amira was carefully placing a small, soft toy into the hands of a crying Ariyan and was carefully rocking Ariyah in her arms whilst sitting on the bed.

"Ari, Riya, you have to be quiet, mommy and daddy shleeping," Amira said as she gently hushed the twins trying to entertain them, to stop us from waking up. Aww, she is too good and kind for her age. Her birthday is in a week and she wanted to go to Disneyland, so I guess we could surprise her. It is not like she knows when her birthday is as she is a kid.

I walked in the room as quietly as I could and walked in front of Amira, she turned around and looked up at me like a deer caught in headlights as I gently laughed at her expression. I too Ariyah out of her arms and placed into mine as she gave a little giggle whilst Amira looked at me with her little mouth dropped wide open.

"What are you looking at baby?" I asked her as she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly before finally answering my question.

She really is my gorgeous and amazing baby, I thought as I smiled at her and gave her a big kiss on the cheek, her small giggle like music to my ears.

"You make her sho kwite by doing nothing (you make her so quite by doing nothing)", Amira said as I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe because I am her mommy and I have special powers that she listens to," I said as I joked with Amira but realized that she was serious about the whole power thing.

"Really? Mummy hash powersh", Amira began screaming as I placed my hand over her mouth being careful not to wake Amir up as he had a busy day yesterday. We all did. It was amazing seeing and experiencing his childhood games. I just can't believe we messed about like little children in a professional business-like building.

"No Mira, mummy doesn't have powers I was joking with you, baby," I explained as she still gave me a weird look as if not believing me.

"Hmm..fine. Wheresh daddy I bored?" Amira asked me as I was about to reply but someone beat me to it.

"Aww, is my bebeh saying mummy is boring?" Amir asked as I turned around to find him standing in the door frame, looking as hot as ever with black jeans hanging so low on his waist, you would fear they would fall off. His hair, perfect regardless of the fact that he just woke up as they looked styled to perfection.

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