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The Lupus Pack has slowly become one of the most powerful packs in North America. It's a relatively large pack, taking in anyone that deserves a home. Even the worst looking rogues might just be going through a hard time and need a warm bed to sleep in. In return they train and help the pack to become stronger.

I've helped to build it to this. Why? To one day take revenge on the people that took my mate. It was fourteen years ago, to this day. I was six at the time and my precious Everett would've been four. I'd known from the moment she and her twin brother Logan were born that she was my mate. We were the best of friends.

An enemy pack had attacked on Everett's birthday, October 3rd. I would never forget that day. Everett was dressed in her pirate outfit and bouncing around as cake was brought out. But her bouncing stopped when wolves with red eyes stalked out. I remember transforming and trying to get to her, but my father stopped me shoving me towards the house as the pack warriors shifted and defended our pack.

I never saw Everett again and the sound of her scream was the last thing I heard. Logan lost his twin, their parents, the betas of the pack at the time, lost their daughter, and I lost my mate. Though I was only six at the time and probably would've died as well if I tried to save Everett, I still feel an immense amount of guilt for not being able to save her.

My parents, Logan's parents, and the rest of the pack also feel immense amounts of guilt. The pack hasn't been the same since that day.

A knock on the door brings my attention away from the photo of Everett and I in the clearing the summer before she disappeared. Our parents had been sitting under the trees and had taken a picture of Everett scratching my ears while I laid in wolf form on top of her.

Logan walks in, his hair is unruly and eyes blood shot. I know what he's been doing today and it's the same as me and the rest of the pack. Mourning.

"Her birthday is today," is all he says before collapsing into the chair on the other side of the desk.

"I know." I can't bring myself to say anything else.

We sit in silence for who knows how long just knowing that we have each other to comfort but can't bring ourselves to.

"The Blood Moon pack attacked another pack again. The survivors are coming on their way here and should be here in an hour." I try to take both of our minds off of Everett and back to pack business. Being the Alpha and Beta we are very busy in order to keep the pack up and running.

"Are you sure that we have enough room to take in many more people?" Logan rubs his eyes and sits up straighter, going into Beta mode.

I shrug, "We'll make room. They will help us grow stronger. We need to be able to go against the Blood Moon Pack."

"Do you really believe we will be able to find the Blood Moon Pack? No one has been able to find them in years. They just appear and then disappear." I know Logan is skeptical. He wants revenge just as much as I but he is close to giving up on trying to find the Blood Moon Pack.

"We will find them Logan. I promise," I say firmly and stand up placing my hands on his shoulders. "We will find and avenge Everett! I know she's out there."

"Bryson, it's been fourteen years. She's gone. We have to accept that!" Logan says standing up and turning away from me.

He doesn't believe that Everett is still out there. But I know that she is. I can feel our bond still. The light thrum of her life continues to burn in my chest. I know she's alive. "Logan! I know she's alive. I can feel her right here!" I place a hand on my chest.

The Alpha's Lost MateWhere stories live. Discover now