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The image of the girl's body hanging from the tree is forever ingrained into my mind. Her body was mutilated and scarred and burned. Her body was like mine. She had brown hair like mine. Her green eyes were wide with horror forever staring into my soul. This girl is me.

Bryson had told me not too look but it was too late. I saw her already. I know this is the work of Sir. His handiwork with knives is shown in the words that are engraved into her chest.

Bile rises in my throat and I throw up all over the floor of Bryson's room. Sobs rack my body and Bryson quickly takes me out of the room. I vaguely hear him telling people orders but I sound of my cries outweighs them all.

"Everett, its alright. You're safe." I hear Bryson whispers as he sets me on a bed and presses his forehead against mine.

"He knows where I am. He's going to take me away. He's going to kill me like he did that girl." I cry.

"I'm not going to let that happen. I'm not going to let that monster get his hand on you. I promise. You're safe here." Bryson says, he wipes my face with his fingers and kisses my forehead.

"He killed that girl because of me." I whisper, imagining what that girl felt in her last moments. Was she scared? Was she happy to be freed from the pain? Did Sir do the same things he did to me to that girl?

"Don't think about that. We're going to make it through this. We are going to stop him and then we are going to live happily ever after." Bryson smiles softly at me and I can't help but return it. "Go back to sleep now. I'll be right here. No ones going to hurt you."

I go back to sleep only to be plagued with images of the girl in the tree and what happened to her. Memories of my time with Sir also invade my memory. I wake up shivering and hearing Bryson talking into the phone quietly as he strokes my head softly.

"We're leaving tomorrow. The incident today shows that he has an advantage We need to make it to the witches land as soon as possible. Gather the warriors and trackers you think are the best for the job. Mom and Dad are going to watch over the pack when we are gone." Bryson pauses before answering the person on the phone. I'm guessing it is Logan. "Also, call the nearby packs and have them on standby for any attacks that may occur and tell them we will be travelling through their lands soon."

He hangs up the phone and looks down at me. "Hello Little One, are you feeling better?"

"What are witches? Are you leaving me?" I ask panicky.

"No, no Little One. I'm not leaving you. We are going together. Witches are being much like us in the way that they are hidden from humans. They possess magical ability. Werewolves and witches do not have the best relations but we plan to travel to their lands for help."

"How are they going to help us if they don't like us?" I ask.

"I'm not sure if they will agree to help us but they agreed to talk to me if I travel to their lands. I hope by bringing you with me we will be able to get them on our side." I feel like Bryson is not telling me everything. What is he hiding?

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask and look him in the eye.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair frustrated. His eyes have bags under them and I can clearly see he is stressed about what is going on. "I don't want to scare you but if we don't manage to get help from any of the witches then we won't be able to stop the Blood Moon Pack, especially if they gain the help from witches. We've been able to track them and the Blood Moon Pack is in No Man's Land, trying to get the help of rogues."

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