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Justin and Alice hold my hands as we walk to Michael and Emily's house. They moved here after they retired from being Beta and Beta Female and handed the position to Logan. It's a cute cottage that is perfect for them. 

But Michael and Emily are not the type of people that like to lounge around all day after retiring so that volunteer in the pack hospital. I think they don't like to lounge around because it gives them time to think about Everett. 

I can understand that. 

I had decided to have Justin and Alice join me at Michael and Emily's and hope that they could possibly stay there until I can arrange for someone else in the pack to take them. 

Justin holds the flowers I had gotten earlier today to bring to Emily. She loves lilies. I let go of their hands to ring the door bell. 

I hear foot steps before the door opens and Emily stands there, a soft smile on her face when she sees me. She's wearing beige jeans and a blue long sleeve button up, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Despite it being fall, the whether is a little warm. 

"Well, who are these cuties?" Emily says looking at Justin and Alice. 

"I'm Justin, and these are for you Ma'am." Justin hands her the flowers. I think I see a blush form on Emily's cheeks. 

"Well thank you very much Justin. These are beautiful," Emily rubs her hand on Justin's head. "And who is this beautiful girl standing behind you?"

I hadn't noticed that Alice had moved from being on my right to stand behind Justin and hold his hand. Justin pulls her forward slightly so she stands beside him. "This is Alice. She's my mate."

"Your mate?" Emily questions and she looks up at me. Her eyes are wide. And teary. These kids are like me and Everett. Having known we were mates since we were kids. Not everyone does. Alice and Justin probably remind Emily of Everett and I. 

"Yes." Justin says happily and looks at Alice who smiles back at him. 

Logan walks behind his mom and smiles at me. He looks more refreshed and his eyes are lacking the bags under them from before. 

"Oh Logan, can you take these darlings into the dining room?" Emily asks. 

He nods and Alice and Justin follows him. I hear Logan introducing himself and Justin and Alice start talking about their favourite books when Logan asks. 

"Bryson, why is it that you brought them here?" Emily asks as Micheal comes up behind her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. I nod to him and he nods back. 

"They are the two of the remaining survivors of an attack against the Silver Creek Pack by the Blood Moon Pack. Their parents were killed and they are the only kids to survive. I was wondering if you could possibly take them in until I can find some arrangements for them." I tell them. Micheal tightens his grip on Emily's shoulder and she reaches up and grabs his hand. 

"Of course we will take them. The poor darlings. They can stay as long as needed," Emily smiles sadly at me and I nod my head in thanks. I don't want to see her sad smile. 

"Were there any leads on the Blood Moon Pack?" Micheal asks, his eyes are steely and hard.

"No," I drop my head so my gaze is on the ground. "I'm sorry." An alpha is never supposed to apologize but I feel the need to. Emily and Micheal are the parents of my mate. The love of my life that I lost and am unable to bring back to us. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Micheal standing in front of me with a sincere look on his face. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

I can't reply. I have no clue what to say. I don't know how to show them how sorry I am but how grateful I am for them not to hate me. 

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