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Bryson |One Year Later

I sit next to Everett's hospital bed and look as she sleeps. She's been in a coma for the past year since we defeated Archer. Her wounds became infected soon after we returned home because her wolf was weakened from the wolves bane that Archer managed to hold inside his body.

I rub my thumb over the back of her hand as I hold it. I don't go a day without visiting her in the hospital. I feel her hand try to grip mine as I hold hers. I smile, knowing she is fighting to come back. It's been about a month since she first started moving her fingers. I can sometimes hear her voice through the mind link. Just bits and pieces of what's she's thinking. Sometimes it's pieces of memories I can see her going through.

We were able to take the ventilator off of her a couple months after the battle with Archer as she was able to breath on her own. Her wounds have finally completely healed and the last few blood tests showed no wolves bane in her system, meaning she should be waking up soon.

"I know you're fighting Little One." I say and squeeze her hand. "Please come back soon. It's been really hard without you here. We finally just finished the new buildings for the witches for when they want to stay here. Logan and Ella are doing well. Liliana is training them to be the new Clan Leaders. She's ready to step down."

Liliana managed to survive the war with Archer but only thanks to Everett's quick thinking of having the witches transport her to the pack house with Willow and Ivy. But Liliana was left paralyzed from the waist down after one of the sword sliced her spinal column. Even with Willow and Ivy's help she hasn't been able to gain any movement. She's decided that it would be easier for the witches to move closer to the pack house and bring their territory closer so she can continue to lead until Logan and Ella are ready to take over.

Logan being the new leader of the Witch Clan with Ella means he will be too busy at first for the pack. We've decided that he will remain Beta along with Ella as Beta Female but Alexander and Jamie will also become Betas.

I hear a knock on the door and turn to see Ella and Logan come in with Alice and Justin. Alice and Justin run and jump on the bed to tell Everett about their day. They think that by talking to her she will wake up faster. I really don't know if that's true. I've been talking to her for a year. I think she will wake up eventually but her body and mind need time to heal. I know that the trauma of having to kill the creature that Archer made out of the girls was so hard on her.

"Any signs of her waking up today?" Logan asks.

"Not from what I can tell. Ella can you tell if she will wake up soon?" Not only has Ella been studying to become the new leader of the clan she has also had to immerse herself into studying not only her magic but also about werewolf culture. But according to what Liliana tells me in our weekly meetings she is doing very well and progressing faster than she thought she would.

Ella was already powerful during the battle especially when controlling fire. She's been learning more about the elements from Morgana. Her ability to project her consciousness was already top notch in her clan last year and now with her increase in magical ability has only gotten better.

"I can check." She walks to Everett and presses the tips of her finger against her temples. Because Everett is in a coma and a constant state of unconscious to the point of her not being able to even hear us in the outside work Ella needs physical contact to project herself into Everett's mind. After a few minutes, Ella opens her eyes and takes a step back. "Her wolf is still wrapped around the image of her human body. But I can see her moving and starting to get up. She might wake up in the next few days."

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