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Everett has chocolate all over her fingers and face. Chocolate has managed to get onto her forehead even. I don't understand how she did it. I laugh as she giggles and takes another bite of a smore. Her fourth smore to be exact.

"These are so good. I want another one please." She looks at me and I can't help but laugh more as more chocolate is on her face.

"That's your fourth smore, Little One." I say and grab a wet one from beside me. I wipe her face and she pouts. I laugh and give in to her request. "Fine you can have one more but that's it. I'll never be able to sleep tonight, you'll be bouncing all over the place."

"I want to try making this one. I promise to be careful." Everett pouts again and I can't stop myself from smiling and handing her the steel prongs that we use to roast marshmallows. Logan sits on the other side of the campfire with Alice and Justin helping them to make smores.

"Be careful not to burn the marshmallow or have it fall in the fire." I tell Everett as she moves to hold the marshmallow over the fire.

She tries to re-enact my actions from the last four smores but she is clumsy and drops the marshmallow into the fire. I give her another marshmallow and she tries again. This time she doesn't drop it but the marshmallow catches on fire.

"Bry, the marshmallow is on fire!" Everett exclaims and hands me the steel prongs. I quickly blow the fire out and the marshmallow is left nearly falling off the prongs and black. I take the marshmallow off and eat it quickly.

"Here, I'll help you with this one okay." I sit Everett on my lap so that she is facing the fire and I am holding the prongs in front of us. Her hands are under mine. I help her to rotate the marshmallow continuously so that it is golden brown. Once it is roasted to perfection, I sandwich it between to graham crackers and some chocolates. "Here, Little One."

"Thank you Bryson." Everett whispers and takes the smore from me before taking a big bite. Chocolate smears against her lips and onto the side of her mouth. I laugh and wipe it off with my thumb before licking it off my thumb.

"You're such a messy smore eater." I laugh as her face turn red. Heating up from embarrassment rather then the raging fire in front of us. "It's incredibly adorable." I kiss her on the lips and I can taste the smore she just ate. I have to withhold a growl so that I don't embarrass my self and Everett and make the people around us uncomfortable.

Everett pulls away and finishes her smore with a big smile on her face. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her head softly.

"I love you." Everett whispers to me.

"I love you too Little One." I whisper and kiss her once again. The warmth of the fire radiating on our skin.


I take Everett to bed soon after her last smore. She's already sleeping, cradled against my chest. Logan is carrying Alice and Justin back to his parent's place. Both of them are drooling on his shoulders, tired out from all the excitement of the day.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning in my office with the Northern Clan Witches. Nine o'clock sharp." I say to Logan as we go separate ways.

"You got it Alpha." He bows playfully and laughs when I groan at him calling me Alpha. We are best friends and him calling me Alpha during times where it is not needed annoys me to no end.

The Alpha's Lost MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin