The Beginning

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•Past Sequence•

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•Past Sequence•

"Vicky! Tobias!" I hear our father yell inside the house, I hear glass break and I flinched. "It's okay, just look at the stars." Tobias assured me, he pulls my scrawny body towards him and I looked up at the sky. "Whenever you feel scared, just look at stars." He whispered, I pull myself closer to my brother since he was afraid of heights and I was scared he would fall.

"When you do the test, will you stay with me?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I'll never leave you behind." He answered, we were both scared little kids, he was 16 and I was 14, I didn't want to be alone with our abusive father. "Just remember how much I love you." He spoke up and I looked up at him as he wrapped his other around me, and kissing my forehead. "Remember that you are strong." He added and I nodded giving him a smile.


Today was the day my brother would make his final decision with his faction. I sat in between my father and my older brother as other people went up to choose a faction, I feel Tobias grab my hand and I held his tightly.

"Tobias Eaton." They called him, he takes in a deep breath and looks at me. "Don't forget what I said." He said, before I said anything, he got up and starts walking down the steps. He gets to the choosing and hesitates to grab the knife, I leaned forward to see what he was doing, he made a small cut in his hand and sets the knife down.

"That boy better choose Abnegation." My father muttered, I glanced at him and looked at Tobias put his hand over the bowl filled with hot charcoal and I feel my heart break as one drop of blood fell inside. I hear the Dauntless faction cheer loudly for him and he turns to look our way, I was so confused and angry. My father puts his hand on my shoulder and my brother breaks eye contact with me to walk to his new faction, my father pulls me back to my seat and places his hand over his mouth. "He broke our promise." I whispered to myself.

My mind kept going into thousands of thoughts and I felt my eyes tear up knowing that I have to face this monster for another two years. Those two years felt like it was going to be forever.

•End of past sequence•

"Are you almost ready?" My father asked from outside my room, I finished braiding my hair into a fishtail and straightened out my special dress. It was made specially for this day. "I'm finished." I said putting on my long light blue cardigan to hide the bruises on my arms and my father walked in.

"Whatever the test results are, choose Abnegation." My father said walking towards me and I nodded, too afraid to mutter a word. "Remember to look happy, it'll look good for our image." He added walking out, I took in a deep breath looking up at myself in the mirror, I noticed there was more beauty marks on my face and I looked away closing the mirror.

I grabbed my small satchel from my bed and put it over my shoulder, I did not feel like eating with my father there annoying me. "I'm leaving now." I said out loud as I make my way to the door, he just grunts in response, so I walked out. My attitude lifted as I saw Beatrice and Caleb, they see me and waved, I waved back and walked towards them. "Nervous?" Beatrice asked me and I shook my head, I knew my place for the sake of my father, but deep in my heart, I wanted to be everything, not let anything define who I was. "How are you feeling? I came by to check on you yesterday, but your dad you were throwing up." Caleb asked standing next to me.

Being thrown against the wall, I wanted to say, being kicked so hard I threw up. "I think it was probably from standing up too fast." I lied and he gave me a small smile rubbing my shoulder, I wanted to wince since he touched a bruise, but I could not react.

We start walking to the building, standing at our line for Abnegation. I took in a deep breath as a Erudite comes to disturb a boy I knew, I wasn't close to him, but I knew who he was. "Hey. So, all the food that we're not getting, you guys are giving away to the Factionless, right, yeah?" He says to him and the boy nods. "Yeah." He answered truthfully. "You're a liar. Why are you lying to me? Everybody knows you keep it to yourselves." He adds, the boy looks around nervously. "So, why don't you just admit it? Huh?" He pressures him. "I'm talking to you. Are all you stiffs deaf or something? Hey!" He adds raising his voice.

"That's enough!" I spoke up and he looked at me surprised. "I'm not talking to you." He said in a rude tone, which annoyed me. "Is your life so boring you have to come and argue with us? Typical." I barked back and he chuckled getting in front of me. "You know, you talk a lot for someone who won't do anything." He said looking down at me and I hear train coming in. "I could say the same about you." I retorted, he stayed quiet and walked away.

"Thank you." The boy said to me. "No problem." I answered him and hear loud footsteps coming in with cheering, I turn my head to see the Dauntless running in, I feel a small smile on my face as I see the brave soldiers.


After they gave us a whole lesson on why we take the test, I stood in front of the door that had my examiner in there waiting for me. Caleb and Beatrice already took theirs, now it was my turn.

I hear the door unlock and I took in a deep breath opening the door. There a strong woman with dark long hair stood there preparing the machine, I walked in closing the door and ignored the mirror next to me. "Victoria Eaton?" She asked and I nodded nervously. "Come take a seat." She said, I nodded again and sat on the chair, she types into the computer and looks back at me.

"I'm Tori, I'll be administering your test. You'll be offered choices to test your aptitude for each faction until you get one result." She explained to me as I took it all in. "Don't worry, 95% get the faction." She said giving me a small drinking glass and I smelled it. "What is this stuff?" I asked her curiously.

"Just drink." She said, I drank the clear blue liquid inside it and closed my eyes leaning back.

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