No Memory

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Two months later

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Two months later...

"Okay, Red. Do you know your real name?" My mother asked me from outside the glass cage and I tried so hard to look for a name in my head, but nothing came up. "Do you know who is your father?" She asked typing into her device and looks at me. "No." I answered not remembering anything about myself, it's like I've been here my whole life. "Do you know who your mother is?" She questioned and I nodded making eye contact with her. "You." I answered and she nods with a small smile. "Can you lift up those blocks like last week?" She asked me and I took in a breath looking at these wooden blocks next to me.

"It makes my head hurt." I said not wanting to do it, just thinking of the pain makes me tear up. "Red, remember that you must go through this in order to regain peace." She said and I looked at her, she always wore that blue dress and had her hair up. "It hurts." I said and she let out a sigh. "Red, remember that your other family and friends abandoned you here, remember how angry you felt?" She asked lowering her voice, the voice of a mother that sounded too familiar and I feel a tear drop. I looked at Steve who gave me a small nod and I looked back at the blocks, I take in a deep breath and my mother gave me a nod.

"The more you practice, the less it'll hurt." She informed me, I point the center of my hand in the blocks and cleared half of my mind. "That's it." My mother encouraged me, I see a red spectrum surround the blocks and I brought my other hand to point at it. "Just pick them up, sweetie." She adds, I twist my wrist and the blocks lifted up, I feel a pinch on my brain and I take in a breath. "Just remind yourself on the anger you felt the day I told you about your family." She said, I feel my face heat up and my blood boil as I lifted the blocks close to me and the pain subsided when I smash the blocks towards each other.

I panted falling on my palms and feel tears in my eyes as I remember the story she told me about my other family. "Take her to her room." My mother ordered Steve, a sob escapes my lips and tears fall off my eyes. I hear the metal door slide open, then footsteps quickly walking towards me, Steve helps me up and wraps his arm around my waist. "It's okay, it's okay. I got you." Steve whispered to me, I start walking with him and felt all this anger in me wanting to unleash, but I couldn't. I don't know my name, my family, I don't remember anything except waking up to this excruciating pain every single day, as if this is how my life is.

"Lets get you to your room." Steve whispered, we finally get to my room and he unlocks the door, he helps me walk in and sets me on my bed. "Your real name is Victoria Ella Eaton." Steve said out of nowhere, I looked up at him confused and he looked around cautious. "Do you remember your boyfriend Eric?" He questioned and I looked down at the ground trying to remember, but nothing came up. "We're going to help you escape, your brother is a fugitive along with your friend." He begins to explain as he takes out something from his pocket.

"What is that?" I asked him and he put it in my hand. "Eric wanted me to give you this, said you might remember." He said, I looked down at my hand and see a pin of a butterfly that looked exactly like the one imprinted on my skin above my hipbone. "After I bring you your dinner, I'll get you out of here." He whispered giving a small smile and I feel my heart skip a beat. "Truly?" I asked him feeling my eyes tear up again just at the thought of feeling the air from outside. "Yes, after I bring your dinner, so just rest." He ordered me, I nodded laying down on my bed and he put the blanket over me, then walked out.


"If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass

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"If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need. No cigarettes, no sleep, no sleep, no light, no sound." I sang to myself as I stared out the window, looking at broken city. "Nothing to eat, no books to read, making love with you." I sing while seeing the sunset. "I remember that song." I hear my mother say, I turned my head and see her standing there on the other side of the glass door. "I don't know why I remember it." I pointed out jumping down the edge of the window and standing straight.

"Steve will bring your dinner in a bit." She said as I walked towards my bed and sit on it. "I see you've been drawing." She noticed, I looked down at the scattered papers and they were all different. "Can I see that one?" She asked pointing at the only one on my bed and I nodded grabbing it, then walking towards the door and putting the picture on the door. "I don't know who he is, he just popped into my head for inspiration." I said and she nodded, I moved the paper and looked at it. It was a drawing of a man who had a strong jaw, and since I only drew him from the side, you can see what looked like a beauty mark above his eyebrow.

"You don't know who it is?" She questioned and I let out a sigh going back to sit on my bed.

"No." I answered truthfully as I kept looking at the picture and felt my heart race as I kept wondering who this man was. "I'll be in my room, make sure she eats. She'll need the strength tomorrow." I hear her say to someone, I lift my head up to see it was Steve with my food. "Yes, ma'am." Steve complied, I feel a bit relieved when I saw his face and he opens my door. "Okay, here we go." Steve said walking towards me and set the tray on the small table next to my bed. "Eat first." He adds as I hear my mother's heel walk away and I begin to eat the same old food as always. "You done?" He questioned as I shoved food into my mouth quickly and nodded.

"Come on." He said helping me up and handed me a jacket. "Here, put on this cap." He added as I shove my hands into the holes of the jacket, then put the hat on and he grabbed my hand. "I'll get you out from the back, Eric is going to be cutting off their lights." Steve explained, I was still confused by who Eric was, but I did not complain.

"Just keep your head down." He adds and I nodded, we both start walking out my cell and we walk this long hall. "If it comes to it, Vicky, make a shield around us." Steve pointed out and I took in a breath. "I'll try." I said as we walked. "Steve, what are you doing?" A voice asked behind us, Steve turns around with me and I see three guards walking towards us. "Taking her to her mother." Steve answered lightly pushing me behind him. "It's past hours, she's not supposed to be out." A guard said a bit confused now standing in front of us. "Seems to me you're trying to help her escape." Another guard pointed out.

"Grab her." A guard ordered, they start walking towards me, so Steve punched the closest one and then a fight breaks out.

I used my powers to push a man away and I see a guard about to shoot Steve, I used my powers to pull his hand down and he groans as he resists. One guard randomly grabs the back of my neck and waist, so I pushed my hand against my stomach and he stumbles back, then I pushed him away with my powers knocking him out. I see the lights go off, then the backup generator turns on the red lights, I feel Steve grab my hand. "Lets go!" He said, we both started to run out and the hat I had on flew off as we ran.

"Through those doors." Steve said, he kicks open the doors and we get to a stairwell. "Wait." I said to Steve looking down at the ground to see we were high up. "We can run it." He said and I shook my head. "Let me try something." I said, I made my powers appear in my hands and jumped over the railing. "Vicky!" Steve exclaimed as I was falling, I get closer to the ground and I point my palms down making me land gently on my knee and foot. "Come on, Steve!" I called getting up, he goes over the railing taking in a breath and I used my powers to talk a hold of him as he was falling.

I helped him land gently on the ground and he exhaled loudly. "I never knew you could do that." He said and I glanced at my hands. "Neither did I." I said, he opens a door leading us outside and I quickly follow behind him. "Right begins that building." Steve informed me as we ran, we both get to the other side of a building to see a truck waiting for us. "Hurry!" I hear a voice say, I pick up my head to see a man with a piercing on his temple say to us.

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