Chapter Eighteen

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Elly's Point Of View

I am sitting in Landyn's office sifting through the many piles of paperwork he has sitting on his desk. I don't understand most of them so I put them in two separate piles, one I understand and have it take care of,and the ones I can't make heads or tails of. Brad is sitting on the couch on the other side of the room reading a book. He says he want to protect me, some of the pack may not like me too much. I put the paper I am scanning down in the "I don't understand pile" and turn to Brad.
"Brad?" I say softly. He looks up and raises and eyebrow.
"Is everything okay?" He asks.
"I wasn't ready to know before, and I don't even think I am ready now, but I need to know who killed Landyn, and what happened that night." I say my voice shaking slightly. He sighs and nods, putting his book down on the table.
"Well, rouges killed Landyn. But not ordinary rouges, they created a pack, sort of. They have no alpha, but they have a mind link and their wolves know not to attack each other. I suppose they want to take out the other packs, they are strong, but that's not why Landyn was killed." I notice the slight shake to his voice too. "They used silver, they pumped so much into his veins that he couldn't heal and he could communicate to his wolf. He was weaker than a human while that silver was in his veins. They pumped some into you, I guess, though I doubt they knew what you were. That is why you lost communication with Eden, but she should have returned by now. I was the one who pulled you away from Landyn that night." I nod, mulling the information over in my head.
"Who killed him?" I ask.
"Viktor, the head rouge. They treat him like an alpha of sorts, though he is only slightly stronger than the average wolf. And it is because of his training, not his blood. He was the one who killed him." I nod and stand up, Brad looks at me with curiosity evident in his eyes.
"I need to go for a walk, please don't follow me." I say walking out of the room. The name Viktor swam in my mind. Anger courses through my veins, the man who killed the love of my life still walks this Earth. I stop in front of Landyn's empty grave and kneel. Grass is beginning to grow on the bare dirt. "I never brought you flowers." I say cocking my head to the side. "How rude of me, next time my love." I whisper. "I know his name, I don't dare utter it, I cannot for fear of what I will do. I will avenge you my love. I am trying to get this pack together, but I don't know how. Eden is the one who should be helping me, but she has been gone since you died, I think she is dead. Eden, if you are listening, don't come back. I want you to be happy, I need one of us to be happy. I need one of us to be with our mate. How I survived this long I don't know, but I suspect I will die soon. I will be with you soon." I jump when a drop of water pelts my head. I look up and more hit my face. I close my eyes and a few of my tears fall. "How I have been so strong I don't know, on the outside I look calm, serene almost. But on the inside I can barely stand without screaming in pain. I miss you, so much even saying your name hurts me. I need you by my side. I can't run a pack by myself! I need you, you promised me. I am beginning to understand now that a promise isn't always set in stone. I can't forgive you though, I never will." The sky's turn gray and a clap of thunder shakes the land. "I will bring flowers, maybe Avril will know what your favorite flower is. What an awful mate I was, not knowing even the most insignificant facts about you, we were too busy being hunted." I stand up and walk back inside, just as it began to pour. "Until next time my love." I whisper as I walk into his room.

So you find out who killed Ladyn's and who saved Elly that night. Comment, vote and check out my other stories! Poor Elly, nothing is getting any better for her!

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