Chapter 19

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The king swam to the shore, carrying the Trident once again. Kosrae was still comforting Etrela on the beach. They both looked up with relief when his father surfaced with the Trident in his hand. "You're here!" They said in unison. The king nodded. "Alivina has been dealt with."

Etrela looked puzzled. "Do you know what happened?" She asked. "I don't remember anything."

"Alivina got hold of my Trident and used it to turn you into a human. Apparently she tried to drown you by knocking you unconscious so that you couldn't swim. That was not part of the Trident's power. She had some powers of her own. Alivina is not the young beauty we all thought she was. She was really a five hundred year old witch. She gave herself eternal beauty long ago." He sighed. "She must have turned herself invisible and broke into my palace. She stole the Trident, and knocked Etrela senseless. Then she turned her into a human, so she could not breathe underwater any longer." The King laid a hand on his son's shoulder. "Kosrae, you saved Etrela's life because of your quick thinking. Now, my dear Etrela, I will transform you into a mermaid once again."

The king held out his hand, and Etrela took it. She smiled hopefully at him. "Let's give it a go, then."

The king led her out to where the water was just up to her waist. Etrela stood in the water, hoping with all her might that it would work. The king pointed the Trident at the sky, then at Etrela. The light encircled her, and she shut her eyes tight. Nothing happened. The beam died away, leaving a human girl standing in waist high water. "What! It didn't work? Does it only work once?" She cried. Poseidon furrowed his brow in confusion. "Maybe Alivina did something to it. She could have channeled the energy away from Etrela."

Kosrae looked at the king, then at Etrela. "How, father?"

"I don't know." He admitted. "I'm not proficient in the magical arts. However, I believe she could have connected herself with the Trident. You could say the Trident has a mind of its own. With this connection in place, she might have been able to give herself the power instead of Etrela. If that's true, the only way to return it to normal is lost to us, for Alivina is dead. She was the only person who could break the connection. I'm afraid that Etrela will not be able to return to the sea. "

Etrela's large emerald eyes shined with tears. She dragged herself reluctantly onto the beach, pulled her knees up to her chest and started weeping. Kosrae swam up to her and pulled her close, stroking her hair. It didn't work. Etrela wouldn't be able to become a mermaid again, and it would be futile to try. The Trident couldn't transform her ever again until something was done to it to fix it, and they had no idea whatsoever as to what that might be. It seemed that they could never be together. Kosrae felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Or maybe it was just a drop of water. He didn't know. He didn't know anything right now. All he knew was that he felt like he was being torn in two. Etrela couldn't become a mermaid, but maybe....

Kosrae gently pushed Etrela away with a whispered, "It will be all right," and swam up to his father and looked him in the eye. "Father, turn me into a human instead." He said bravely.

Etrela gasped, "But you are the prince! You will be king! All of the oceans will be yours! How can you rule them from the land?" She started sobbing again. "I -- I won't let you. You can't. We both love the sea!"

Kosrae knew she was right. He did love the sea, and he was supposed to be king of it in the future. If he became a human, he couldn't rule it. But to him, Etrela was worth more than all of the oceans and all of the kingdoms in the world. He knew he would lay down his life for her, so couldn't he also change for her? Kosrae dragged himself back on the beach and kissed Etrela. "My dear Etrela, I would give up much more than the oceans to be with you."

Etrela stopped weeping and wiped her eyes. "Truly? Oh, Kosrae, thank you. Are you sure you want to give up your old life forever?"

Kosrae smiled at her. "I've never been surer in my life." He turned to his father. "Please, father. Turn me into a human. I know I was going to be king, but I wish to be on land; with Etrela."

"Then who will be king in your place?"

"I don't know." Then Kosrae brightened. "What about Nadin? He would make an excellent king, and he's practically a brother to me."

The king looked thoughtful. "Nadin? I don't know..."

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