Chapter 15

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Kawo lefe which translates directly to taking bridal package to the bride's family by her groom's family is taken as a wedding event in some parts of northern Nigeria, same goes to the Mahdi's.

It's wedding season again in the country and the Mahdis always deliver in such seasons because of how large the senator's family is, if it is not his children then it's his nieces, nephew's his wives', or even some workers that have become family.

This time around it is his first wife's daughter Badi'ah getting wed to the speaker of the house of representatives as his Fourth wife.

The house is elegantly set for the occasion and music was blaring from the sound system while the bride is in Abuja barking orders of how she wants her husband's people to be attended to from the phone.

In no time the convoy arrives from Gusau with beautiful women in luxury wears and exotic cars. The bridal package was brought in a 32 seater bus and arranged on a podium traditionally set for it.

The youngies sway to the latest music airing from the sound system while the oldies exchange pleasantries and ushers carting food.

After they had made their guests comfortable the event starts with prayer and yodelling by the zazzaurians. Farhana and Maimuna as the first and second daughters-in-law are in charge of opening the boxes.

The teenage girls there are squealing videotaping the whole encounter for the gram. The first Samsonite box contains laces ranging from french lace, cord lace to material lace. They didn't stop till they turned everything upside down and rearranged it back. The bride's Junior sister was taping everything on a live chat from the Instagram wedding page for those who care to watch but are not opportuned to attend.

In no time wedding blogs were dropping infos, pictures and videos showing what was up in the Senator's mansion in Kaduna.

Hajiya Daham knew what was coming that was why she invited all her cowives to the event personally. She wanted them to see that their children are no match to hers.

The speaker opened his pocket for them and they did their job of spending. She made sure everything they are buying for the lefe was top notch. Rumor has it that the car that comes with the package for the bride is from the Speaker's third wife who's a sister to Niger Republic's First Lady.

It's a white BMW 5 series 530i xDrive sedan 2019 but hajiya Daham will be fooled to allow her daughter near the car, in this time and age, they cannot be taken unawares.

She makes a vow to present a gift to the Speaker's wives during the wedding, it's going to be a tit for a tat and the speaker's pocket will cry for it.

All the while preparations were made for the wedding, Farhana was planning how to get back at her husband. Her youngest maternal aunt was on a maternity trip to Spain with her mother, that will give her the opportunity to embark on her mission without her mother calling her to order.

Haydar made all the ashoebi for her and she made sure it was a grand style. The day of the wedding fatiha the men left the house early for the women to have their needed space. Farhana dressed up in the ashoebi and drove out of the house to her grandmother's place.

It was not as easy as she thought because people kept calling her phone. "I don't know how you guys live your lives this days but how can you leave your house when there's a wedding going on there", her grandmother lamented for the umpteenth time.

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