Chapter 24

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Farhana saw his incoming call but refused to glide the answer button. She's so ready for them to talk about this and be done with it. So she leapt to her room were the protection were still sprawled on the bed before answering the video call.

"Hey boo", she waved cheerily with sassiness. She followed his eyes to the thing she wants his eyes to see and talk about then she averted her gaze as if that wasn't done intentionally.

"What's making my babies happy?"

"How many babies do you have?"

"The one carrying the other", he winks.

"You've started comparing already?" She pouted faxing anger.

"I dare not. I can live with only you in the world".

"You don't want the baby", she was too dramatic about it that he almost blew out laughing but he knows he cannot even try so he swallowed his laughter.

"Who am I to not like anything that reminds me of you?"

They continued chitchatting, him gisting her about the places he visited and how he is planning to bring her and their baby some day and her gisting him about the wedding.



The seminar got more turn up than it was expected, they had to changed the venue to international conference center when the demand for more slots kept coming and of course that meant more vendors, so they were able to cover for the comfort of their participants.

The Tambari Mansion was eerily quite because everyone is out until it's time to rest for the night. Sauda was involved in every process of the planning, while Samira was helping in getting the seminar out as an influencer that she is.

Beeba did what she was more interested in so she was jumping from one fashion designer to another, focusing on making a statement for the gala night. Amnah won't be surprised if she ended up with a closet full of what to wear, so that on the night of the gala she will wear whatever her hand reaches while her eyes are closed.

Sofia who have an empire to preside left the country after a month of her vacation in Nigeria.

Each took the part she thought would lead her into Mr. COO's heart so she could emerge as the winner of the bridal contest. Even if Arshad is to choose one out of all which is what will eventually happen, he is not going to be at lost because they helped Tambari in one way or the other. Well, except beeba, but if she's not chosen she might end up getting another trust fund guy ready to sweep her off her feet, what else do they want if not the packaging?  Amnah thought.

Amnah also registered for the seminar instead of waiting for project defense idly, hopefully she gets something that piques her interest.

And she thought well because on the first day of the event she concluded that her calling is in the farm. Everything felt so easy until the next day when they delved into the business part.

Before the third day she knew she will be going into fish farming, start small while she's serving and see how it will be for her.




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