Chapter 28

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Arshad keeps turning and tossing on his inflatable kluft mattress lined with Egyptian cotton sheets, for the first time not enjoying the feel against his bare upper body. He sleeps in slacks only.

The PR Team said they will need a big event to distract people from their predicament till they can get a hang of it but an event that big with limited time means splurging money that they are already loosing.

"What else could be a big distraction?" Many suggestions were made but they don't think it will have the potential of hiding something as big as that, seeing as how the country blew up with the news of the deal with the skin care brand even before they could address it properly. And with the time constriction they can't just relax, the world is so fast today and with a society that feeds on gossip their sweat and tears for decades will come crashing down like a sandhill because of a simple mistake. A mistake they can't even pinpoint, with the way things are going it will not take a genius to know that it is a conspiracy.

They have got PI's on it and if it is what they are suspecting then law suits will drag whoever is behind it on the hot sahara desert that he will regret not ending his life when he first thought of it.

Arshad didn't know he will be able to get any sleep this night or the subsequent ones to come, not until they get the hang of what is happening. But then, his body have a mind if its own and it went ahead to do just what Arshad was against.


"You are late for your date Mister, don't keep my daughter waiting", Dr. Tambari said to his son without even raising his head from what he is reading.

"I will send Baba Isuhu to get her while i round up". The father shook his head disapprovingly, so the son stood from the chair opposite his father and strides to the door.
"Your woman before work", instantly his shoe became so beautiful that he was trying to figure out how the maker converted rich leather into this masterpiece.

"Don't beat yourself about this whole thing", he raised his head for the first time after he started going through the spiral bound file, his reading glasses seating pretty on top of his Nubian nose. "This is a lesson you must learn when it comes to business. People play dirty but you can't let the pig drag you into the mud because he is already dirty".

All this while Arshad was just waiting for his father to unleash his anger on him. God knows he is trying all he could to keep cool with the employees even though he has lossed it a few times, that is if more than four times can be called a few.

Everything is just weighing him down and then they added it up with what to them is the perfect distraction. Now he is on his way to Keffi to take a girl out on a romantic lunch date. Nobody cared to remember that his last relationship was years ago and even when they were together this things were her thing not his. So he left the reservation and venue hunting for Aryan all because that is his area of expertise.

Aryan willingly accepted the chore coz in his words, ".....before you will take her to your kind of places, ladies and gents zipped up in suits or old men swinging gold clubs". Is there any difference?

Amnah didn't want her friends to be taken by surprise. It will not be fair to them but then family over all. Even though Zubaida is family, she is not in this family so she can't be let in on what is really happening.

I know you guys will kill me but...... she sent to My circle on WhatsApp and as if Zuby was waiting for her she replied.

You already know, so, out with it.

I'm going on a date with Yaya. She off her data immediately not ready to see their reaction but forgot that they are wilder than what she thought.

She came out of the toilet meeting 20 missed calls from them and him. Which should she return, he mind was still in a conflict when he called again.

"I'm just leaving Tambari", he spoke directly but she greeted him first before replying him with, "I will be ready before you arrive, Insha-Allah". None of them utter anything again, they just continued listening to the faint sound of their breathing their minds elsewhere till a call came through her phone and she answered it, making him to end the call.

"You refuse to answer our call but you were making another, well-done ma"

"Sorry i was speaking to Yaya"

"Speaking of which, give us the full gist", Fadila spoke and she squinted her eyes. So it is even a conference call.

She came up with the tale that he called a few days earlier and said he wanted them to talk over lunch but not in the house so she doesn't know the exact reason.

"You don't know or you want us to assure you that it is happening. I have said it right from the beginning".

"Another wedding bell ringing. Zuby Saura ke (You are the one remaining) ".

"Don't run faster than your shadows. Ama will soon knock this door down if I don't let her in to do my make-up".

"Ha'an my girl, make-up just to talk over lunch with YOUR BROTHER? ".

"Free her Mummy Khalili is not as if you didn't do the same".

"I didn't deny it though".


Kapadoccia is more than what she saw on Ama's phone. She said she had to manipulate Aryan before he agreed to tell her where his brother is taking her sister. Probably there is a girl in this manipulation for Aryan to give in this quickly but then Ama is a pro when it comes to squeezing information out of people.

"You look good"

"Same as you".

He pasted on a smile, crossing and uncrossing his legs under the table, "Pfft, if this is not what i wear everyday".

Amnah kept a high chin as heat flushes through her body.
Oh! So I am the one changing my look to impress, NICE.

She drew in small slow breaths not to draw his attention to her and concentrated on doing what she was directed to do at the same time enjoying the scenery and the food if it as good as what her eyes are rolling over.

She could already tell from the pictures that she was about to embark on an adventure. First time entering a cave, that too to eat. And then they got in and strolled to a private area made for dates. The opening is heart shaped, with tables for two overlooking the busy landscape of Wuse.

Then came the food she challenged Mr COO to surprise her by ordering for the two of them. The aroma wafting through her nostrils and playing basketball with her innards.

She didn't know that this is his first time coming here and he is as fascinated as her if not more but he doesn't have to know that so he concentrated on letting the juice from the kebab sink into his taste buds and then to his brain.


"We were able to profile 4 fungal infections and there seems to be more so we are still on it and will start treating once we know what we are dealing with".

"Are we still contemplating if this is a conspiracy? The answers are all laid out on the floor for us".

"We are treading carefully here. This might be happening to so many Aloe Farms and they may be doing the same thing with us".

"It can also be some marketing tricks by Agro-chemical companies".

"More reason why we shouldn't narrow it down to someone getting back at us, we don't have scores that needs settlement except if it is personal".

"Continue with your evaluation Mr Kingsley. We will stretch our hands to other farms discreetly. Investigations will continue till the culprits are cuffed", Dr. Tambari rises from his chair making the other men rise in respect. He walks back to his chair and the men sauntered out of the office.

2 Updates in a week. It's been so long since I did this.
My new story is in the incubator and can't wait for you all to see it, meanwhile we've gat to finish this before we meet the new Baby.

On IG: @Ay_shatoo
On Twitter : @Afro_penwoman

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