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I swear if Kevin called me one more time to his office, I would go crazy. He's been bothering me for the whole week about work when I could work home. I know he was just pissed at what I said, but does he really have to make my life hell. I pressed his floor on the elevator waiting as the numbers go up slowly. I entered the building and the receptionist who I learned is named Georgina smiled at me. I smiled back and made my way to Kevin's office.

Learning from past experience, I knocked on the door instead of barging in. Entering during an argument was fine, but them having sex in there would just be too much. I knocked again when no one answered. I was about to barge in when the door opens showing the white bitch herself. I mentally rolled my eyes, I felt bad for her, but still hated her for calling me the help.

She left the door open and went back inside taking a seat on the sofa where I suppose she was sitting on before getting up. I walked inside also, Kevin was nowhere in sight, I sighed. "Um... where's Kevin?" I asked her. 

She looked up from her phone, "he went to the cafeteria to get himself some food or something," she answered me dryly. I mouthed her a thank you and she went back to staring at her phone. 

I took my time to study her while she was looking away, she is absolutely beautiful. She has a small round face, high cheeks, and big round eyes. Her eyebrows are goals, to be honest, they are not thin nor too thick. "I never introduced myself," I told her, she looked up again. "I'm Bri-" She cut me off before I could continue.

"Brianna, the ex and current wife," she finished for me.

"Quite a title, I was just going to stick with Brianna," I joked. I chuckled at my own joke, but she looked at me with a straight face not finding it funny at all. Her eyes are hazel which is currently matching with what I think she was feeling at this moment. I took a seat on one of the chairs deciding to wait for Kevin. She let out a deep breath making me bring my attention back to her, "I'm sorry," I blurted out to her. I was really sorry for everything.

"For what?" She asked me.

"Everything," I replied. She didn't deserve any of Kevin's bullshit and I still couldn't believe he hadn't told her the truth either.

"I knew it," she said, "so, you are sleeping with him," she added.

"Um... honey, no. I would never, Kevin and I are strictly business, so no need to worry about me," I tried to assure her. Even though Kevin and I are legally married, I couldn't picture myself sleeping with him or even kissing him when he was still taken by a girl who seemed head over heels for him. I looked at her innocent face one last time, her blonde hair was in a low ponytail showing all her beautiful face. "You should end it," I added after a while.

"End what?" She asked me raising her perfect eyebrows.

"The relationship," I replied. "Look, I'm a woman too and I know we are not stupid. Now, we both know that Kevin doesn't feel the same way, why waste your time?" I asked her. "And before you say anything," I said raising my index finger, "I'm not trying to steal him, I'm just trying to look out for another woman," I told her. I always believed in women standing together, it should be us against the world. "You deserve better."

"Yeah," she said fidgetting her finger, "I know," she looked one minute away from breaking down in tears making me feel bad. "Kevin's a good guy, he always been one, maybe that's why he's afraid to tell me the truth. I mean he has his flaws, but I would like someone like him to spend my life with, but not without love," I shook my head agreeing with her. "A few weeks ago, I decided to end the relationship. I was so close to just ending it until I found out-" she paused not continuing what she was about to say.

"Until you what?" I asked her. She looked down at her feet licking her pink lips.

"I found out I was um... pregnant," she finishes. My jaw dropped, how many people are going to tell me they're pregnant? Wait, if she's pregnant that means Kevin is going to be a dad. 

"You're pregnant?" I asked her just trying to make sure I heard everything correctly. 

"Yes, two months," she replied. "My family's super religious, my mother doesn't even believe in sex before marriage, I didn't know how to tell her that I'm pregnant without even being married. I convinced myself that Kevin would turn around, even if he didn't feel the same way, I was willing to marry him, just so you know," she said pointing at her stomach. 

"I'm sorry," I said honestly. "Does he know?" I asked her.

"No, I haven't told him, I don't know how he's going to react," she said shrugging her shoulders. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this," she said tears dropping down her cheeks. I got up from the chair and took a seat next to her and giving her a hug. "I'm such an idiot," she said between tears.

"No, you're not," I told her. I pulled away and wiped the tears away from her cheeks. "Everything will be fine," I told her. "Just tell him the truth," I said. She nodded her head sniffling. "And your mom might be mad at first but I'm sure she'll be happy for a grandbaby," I said.

"Yeah," she said. She opened her bag and took a napkin. She wiped her face, "thank you," she said. 

"Anytime dear," I replied. 

"Have Kevin ever told you why he broke up with you back in high school?" She asked me. I raised my eyebrow, what does she know?

"No, he told you?" I asked her.

"Yeah, back when we first started dating," she answered.

"Why did he?" I asked her. I didn't really care, but that question has been on my mind for too long and I just wanted to know the truth. 

"Not my story to tell," she replied raising her hand up. "Ask him," she told me. The door opened showing a Kevin coming in with the food he got from the cafeteria. 

He stared at the both of us, "what's going on?" He asked looking at me then at her. 

"Nothing," I answered him getting up from the sofa. 

"Alexis, can I call you later?" He asked her. "I got to get back to work," he said pointing at the pile of work on his desk.

"Actually," she said getting up also. She grabbed her bag and held it on.  She looked like a model standing on her big girl heels and with that outfit she was wearing. "Don't bother calling me," she said. She gave him a smile and started walking out the door.

"Alexis," Kevin called her.

She paused then turned around, "and I'm pregnant," she blurted out. Kevin's jaw dropped, I haven't seen him act so surprised. "You want to be in the baby's life, fine. You don't, I don't care," she said. She then just walked out the door slamming it on her way out.

"You got to love her," I said to myself laughing. Kevin turned looking at me shocked that I could be laughing at a situation like this.

"What did you tell her?" Kevin asked getting angry at me.

"Nothing, just told her what she already knew," I said taking a seat on his desk.

"And what's that exactly?" He asked.

"That you don't love her," I blurted out.

"Why would you do that?!" He yelled. "Brianna, are you fucking crazy?" He asked touching his head.

"No, but you might be," I answered casually. "Kevin, that girl is in love with you and you are too caught up in your own shit to realize that. She doesn't deserve that, and yes I talked to her, she is a nice girl," I said making sure I added air quotations mark around nice. 

"I was going to tell her," he said. "You shouldn't have that," he took a deep breath and came to take a seat at his desk. "She's pregnant," he said more to himself. 

I looked at him not saying anything. 


Everyone's getting pregnant...

Au Revoir...

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