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I fidgetted my fingers as I sat inside the restaurant waiting for Kevin to come. I might've come early, like thirty minutes early. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I haven't seen him in a while and I was looking forward to that. At the same time, I didn't know what I was going to say to him. Was I going to apologize again, tell him how I miss him, what the heck was I going to say to him?

I order some chocolate cake to try to forget about this whole thing. I was taking a bite of my cake when he entered the restaurant. He was dressed in his usual suit, I could tell he just got a haircut, it was shorter than usual. He looked around the place since it was packed for lunch. He looked for a while until he spotted him, he walked up to me his hands inside his pocket. He gave me a smile before he took a seat across from me. "Hi," he greeted me.

"Hi," I said back. 

"Why are you eating cake?" He asked me pointing at my delicious dessert. I looked down at it raising my eyebrow of why he cared. "I'm pretty sure you didn't order any food yet," he told me. "You just tend to eat sweets when something's bothering you," he added. 

"Oh," I said pushing the cake away. He was right, sweets were always my escape. Whether it be ice cream or a cake, they always made me feel better. Of course, I had to go to the gym after binging on sweets to get rid of the extra weight, but they always made me feel better. 

"Anyways," he started, he grabbed his phone and checked it for a while. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked. I looked at him not knowing how to answer the question. I did not expect him to straight up ask me that question. Maybe I didn't even want to talk to him, maybe I wanted to see him and be with him like old times. He stared back at me waiting for my answer. 

"Hello, you guys ready to order," the waiter came up to us asking saving me from saying anything. 

"Yeah," Kevin replied, "can you get me a grilled chicken sandwich?" He asked, "um...for the drink," he looked through the menu, "surprise me," he added when he couldn't decide.

"Okay," the waiter said as he wrote down what Kevin said, "what about you?" He asked turning to me. 

"Just a coke, please," I told him politely. I wasn't really hungry considering I woke like two hours ago and I ate brunch. 

"Will that be all?" He asked the both of us. We both nodded our heads. "I'll be back shortly," he smiled and then left us.  Kevin turned his attention back to me to answer the question he had asked earlier. 

"Look," I told him, "I'm sorry about New Years, I really didn't mean to yell and I'm sorry if I cause any problems between you and your employees," I blurted out the first part I wanted to let out.

"It's fine," he said. At least, he didn't give me that whole speech about respect again. Lord knows I didn't want to hear it. "He better not bring me lemonade," Kevin added looking at the menu. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut up. He did tell the guy to surprise him and lemonade is one of the drinks on the menu. I'm pretty sure he might get lemonade. "Your mom called," he added looking up at me. 

"Really?" I asked surprised. I wonder what she told him. It was not good for her to call because of the conversation we had yesterday. My mom was no stranger to embarrassing me.  I think she loves doing it, it makes her happy whenever she reveals my deepest secrets. "What did she want?" I asked him. 

"Nothing," he answered, "she just wanted to thank me and say you're stupid, nothing else," he said as if it was the most casual thing ever. 

"Let me guess, she said that I was stupid to still be upset about something that happened in high school?" I asked, "well, it's more complicated than that, I just found out plus I'm known to hold grudges and I'm not mad," I finished. 

"She never said all that, but glad to know," he said. The food came, the waiter set the sandwich in front of Kevin. Kevin looked at it like he couldn't wait to devourer it. He gave me my coke and I mouthed him a thank you. He set Kevin's drink down and it was lemonade. I started laughing, "really?" Kevin asked the guy. He looked at the both of us clueless about what was going on.

"Something wrong?" He asked Kevin.

"No," Kevin replied, "I did say surprise me," he took a sip of the drink and pretended like he enjoyed it. Kevin hated any juice associated with orange or lemon. He only drunk orange juice because it was healthy so he forced himself to drink it. The waiter gave us an awkward look but left regardless. "Back to you, you're not mad?" He asked.

"Not really," I answered, "it happened in high school which was years ago," I took a sip of my drink and started eating my cake again. "I know you said you didn't want anything to do with me unless I could trust you," Kevin started eating his sandwich moaning as he chewed down.

"This restaurant has the best grilled chicken sandwich," he added as he took a sip of his drink. "I did say that and I meant it," he said. "I just don't want to do the arguments and-"

"Mistrust," I said. "Why don't you gave me a reason to trust you," I told him. He kept saying that I should trust him, but he has given me no reason to trust him. When we were kids he wouldn't stop doing things for me to trust him, maybe he should start that again. 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"Well, you keep telling me to trust you. So, tell me why I should," I crossed my hands over my chest waiting for his answer.

"Because although I've betrayed your trust by lying to you, I deserve a second chance. You should trust me because you feel safe around me, actually cross that out," he said. "You simply should trust me because that's what you want to do, that's what your heart is telling you to do."


Do you trust people easily?

Au Revoir...

My Ex (BWWM)✔ (#Wattys2019)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz