⪻ 21 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to... Will-Twerk-4-Tacos! 


No sooner did we reach the doors of the school did more chaos arise.

"Is that the child that hurt my baby?" A mysterious man and woman are charging towards us, with angry looks upon their faces. In a matter of seconds, I've pulled Edward behind me and out of sight from the delusional adults.

I don't care if these were the parents of the child Edward hit, they have no right screaming at him and making a move to invade our personal space.

"Mr and Mrs. Grant -" Kate begins, stepping in between the mother who has stepped way too close to me Edward. The woman takes another step forward and Harry seems to have the same thought I did when i moved Edward. Next thing I know, I'm standing slightly behind Harry.

"No! Is this the child?"

"Excuse us." Grabbing ahold of Edward's hand and Harry's, I begin to try and move around the parents, wanting nothing more than to curl up on my couch.

"So, you're the ones who raised such a violent child, huh? What kind of parents are you?" Mrs. Grant accuses all whilst her husband stands back with a potent look on his face. I doesn't faze me that she thinks we're Edward's parents, because at the moment we do kind of look like his parents.

"Hey, back off." Harry warns as the woman takes another step closer to me and Edward. Harry's protective side comes out when he's pulled Edward and I nearly completely behind his body.

"I will not back off, your child here assaulted our child." For some reason I nearly snap, shoving myself in front of Harry whilst leaving Edward to grab ahold of the back of Harry's belt loop.

"Listen lady, you need to back up. I apologize on behalf of my brother, and I assure you when he returns to school your child will receive a sincere letter of apology." She nearly gasps as my words, almost as if she wasn't expecting me to challenge her in someway.

"Headmaster Clark can't possibly be allowing him to return to school!" Kate, places her hand lightly on my shoulder, giving it a slight comforting pat. She turns her attention to the deranged parents and shushes them lightly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Grant, let's go meet with Headmaster Clark and have a talk, shall we?" The parents look reluctant to go along towards the headmaster's office, but with a bit of coaxing Kate finally gets them out of our sight; an audible sigh resonating throughout the hall.

"My apologies for her outburst." Kate mutters, watching the entrance where they disappeared through. "I'll see you on Wednesday, Edward." I turn to where Kate is waving to Edward, who now resides in the arms of Harry. He apparently scooped him up when things got more heated between that mother and I.

"Thank you." I say before taking off towards the doors of the school.

Things are silent between the three of us as we make our way to Harry's car and settle ourselves in. Matter of a fact, none of us say anything until we're about a minute into our trip to the house. Surprisingly, Edward is the first to speak, his small voice resonating from the back of the car.

"Are you mad?" He questions, peering up at me from his seat. I sigh heavily, glancing back at him and catching Harry watching us out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes, I'm a little mad." I calmly tell him.

I can't very well lie to him, now can I?


"Why? Edward, you assaulted a boy in your class. You can't just go 'round punching people when you're upset or something, it's not right." I fall back into my seat, rubbing my temples where I feel a headache coming on. "This is all my fault."

Solace ~ h.s.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя