⪻ 41 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to... wazzup187! Thank you for all of your amazing comments; they make me laugh like there's no tomorrow xx


"I don't want you to go."

When Edward was younger and I was still at university and living with my ex, I would come visit home every few weekends. Being an ace big sister was important to me, and still is, but especially with him at such a young age. That being said, every Sunday evening when I would be making my way out the door to go back to Manchester, Edward would begin to cry.

The poor boy would have a fit about my leaving, part of him not believing I'd come back, even though we both knew I would. There would be many tears shed and lots of screaming on his part. My departure time of four in the afternoon would turn into five, then six, and then so on.

He always had a hard time letting go and I should have known today would be no different.

"It's only for the weekend, Edward, and I promise to call every night before bed." I assure him, bending down to be his height as we stand in the midst of Anne's lounge.

She promised she'd keep a close eye on Edward whilst Harry and I went to Inverness for the weekend. Apparently Harry had given his mother more of a heads up than I, but I was thankfully she was up to the job.

"I'll even bring you a souvenir if you'd like. Would you like that?" Edward doesn't answer, instead continues to look gloomy and exhausted. Then again, we haven't gone more than twenty-four hours without seeing each other since the accident and it is five in the morning, so he's entitled to being extra gloomy and tired. Harry wanted to get a head start on our travel to Scotland.

"Please don't go." He begs me, pouting his bottom lip out. He always did have a really great sad puppy face that could make me do practically anything at his beck and call.

"Babe, it's only for a few days. And in the meantime, you'll have so much fun with Anne." I tell him, glancing towards the kitchen where Harry and his mum are sharing a chat whilst I say my goodbyes with Edward.

When my eyes settle back on Edward, he's allowed a couple tears to fall down his cheeks causing my heart to ache. I've never been good with children crying; it only makes my tear ducts well with clear liquid.

"What's with the tears? What's wrong?" I wonder, reaching across the space between us to wipe the falling tears away with my thumbs. His tears turn into cries as his attention is diverted towards the floor, as if ashamed to be crying.

"I don't want you to leave." His voice has risen an octave in volume and it's gained the attention of the mother and son in the other room. Thankfully, they're kind enough to give us our privacy so I can calm him down before handing him off.

Suddenly, the reason for his tears and pouting over the last couple days clicks in my head.

"Are you scared I won't come back?" I ask Edward in a low tone, placing my finger under his chin to raise his head to look at me. With a subtle nod, my suspicions are confirmed. "Awe baby, I'll always come back to you. You can't get rid of me that easily." I tell the boy, continuing to wipe the tears off his face.

"Listen, I wouldn't be going if it weren't absolutely necessary and I would bring you along if I could, but I just can't buddy. I don't want to leave you here, I never want to be far away from you, but I have to do what I have to do." That only makes him cry harder and I feel like cursing at myself for possibly saying the wrong thing. "It's three days, I'll be home in no time."

I don't want to blatantly promise the small boy that I'll come back and it's not because I have intentions on not returning, because I do. It's just that in these past months I've come to realize that promises like that can be broken.

Solace ~ h.s.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant