⪻ 32 ⪼

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"Belle, hey. There was an emergency at the hospital and I had to go in. Don't worry about Edward; my mum, thankfully, was in town doing some shopping, so he's with her at my place. I'm sorry, love. I'll ring you when I can."

I'm not sure how exactly I managed to drive the trip from Northwich to Manchester safely. Driving through clouded, teary eyes isn't the easiest thing in the world, especially when it's raining outside and it's become dark.

I couldn't stand simply staying in that house after reading what the contents of that envelope included. Being overloaded by old memories and then being handed documents that change everything makes staying in front of eyes of strangers difficult to do.

When you find out that you've been lied to your entire life and your world completely changes in a matter of one afternoon, you tend not to be able to focus on much other than sobbing and screaming at nothing in particular.

One thing I knew for sure was that I had to find Harry. I didn't care if he was working with patients, I just needed him to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay, no matter how selfish it is. He was the only person that helped pull me through the loss of the people that raised me and he was the only person that I feel comfortable confiding in.

Immediately upon pulling up outside the hospital, where Harry left a message saying he was, I stuffed the envelope harshly into my handbag. Tears continued to stream down my face, being wiped painfully away with the back of my hand.

Have you ever been so angry about something that you're reduced to tears and you just can't stop shaking and wanting to cry and scream out? That's my current state.

Shakily, I exit Harry's car and storm into the hospital through the closest entrance to neurology. I don't know if he's actually there, or if he's in A&E, but I can't find it in me to interact with someone to ask.

Upon making the journey, I find myself in pediatrics. A new wave of emotions running through me at the memories of me being wheeled into this ward to see Edward. It's enough to send a couple more tears down my cheeks, only this time I don't wipe them away. A couple nurses turn their attention to me as I walk past, but I ignore their curious gazes.

I need to get to Harry before another break down occurs.

"Annabelle, hey," I jump back at the sound of the familiar Irish accent and crane my neck in his direction, "What are you doing here?" He asks, smiling at me despite the obvious distress in my face. But like a switch had been turned, he turns serious as his eyes scan my entire person.

"Where's Harry?" I ask him, my voice trying to be strong, but only coming out shaky and angry.

"I-I don't know." He answers. Niall looks shocked, taking a step closer to me and lightly pushing us out of the middle of the corridor. "What's wrong?" I shake my head at him, not interested in sticking around here when he doesn't know where Harry is.

I can feel my emotions begin to bubble over and I know I won't last much longer without making a big, embarrassing scene. So, without another word I push Niall out of the way and continue down the corridor. Niall calls after me, before catching up and spinning me around by grabbing my arm.

"Annabelle, stop." He tells me, his voice stern. His he holds me at arm length to get a good look at me.

"Niall, I have to talk to him." I mutter out, letting a few more tears spill over. Niall nods his head slowly and let's his thumbs softly caress my arms to try and calm me down. My resolve for feeling angry towards everyone I cross paths with, slowly disappears as Niall speaks.

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