Chapter 5

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I hate storms in New York City. The sound of them drowns out the dull silence of the office I hate so much.

I rolled toward my office window with my eyes closed. At least I tried to roll over. My wrists were pinned down above my head. I heard a heart beat and that was it. My nose kicked in. Blood. Hot blood. It was boiling. Somebody was very hot right now.

I opened my eyes and saw Max was hovering over me. My fangs made a surprise appearance.

"Not smart human," I said, my voice scratching my throat on the way up. I needed blood. Sex was no longer an option.

"Yes! Please, bite me Andy!" Max was begging me now? That was new.

I tossed the numbers around in my head for a second. With my raw throat, pooling venom in my mouth, my descended fangs, demanding thirst, and hot male hovering over me I had a tough decision to make. A very tough decision.

I growled; frustrated. "Get off me Max," I said through my teeth. I didn't want to go this way but I'd already hosted Max. I couldn't take from him agan no matter how much I wanted to; no matter how much he begged or tried to convince me.

"What?" Clearly this isn't going to be as easy to dodge as I'd expected it to be. But then when was Max ever easy? I only wish he was.

"I said," I growled and rolled until I was sitting on Max's chest. "Get off me!"

I leaped off the bed and grabbed my vodka bottle off the in-table. I took a tug. I walked past the dark window, spotting my semi reflection. My shirt was missing. I looked down at my bra-clad-only upper body. My hair fell down around my chest, so that was a bit better than nothing. At least I wasn't just standing there in my bra. I could have been bald. Thank God I'm not.

I spun on my heel. I was furious.

"Did you do this?" I pointed at him with my bottle hand. I gestured at my half naked upper body with my other hand.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." The cocky smirk on his face told me he did. I growled. My eyes narrowed into slits. I wanted to tear his throat out with my fangs. Right now. Icould almost task his blood on my lips. I wanted it. Right now. I refused.

"You are so lucky you're my boss!" I hissed and picked up my shirt off the floor. I violently tugged it back on over my head.

"That's right," he said pinning me against the wall out of nowhere, with my hands above my head again. He knew I could kill him, didn't he? I wasn't human. He knew that. Why was he acting like such an idiot?

"Excuse me?" I didn't bother fighting back, yet. I didn't want to break him. I didn't feel like cleaning up the mess he would make on the carpet of my office.

"I'm your boss," he grinned devilishly.

"Exactly and I don't want to kill you. Now let me go!" I gently jerked my wrists out of his hands and he tightened his grip. He wasn't letting this go. What is his fucking problem?!

This definitely isn't going to be anywhere near easy.

"Bite me or you're fired!" That made me angry and I was thirsty. Max was really pissing me off.


"I said bite me or you're fired!" He pressed himself against me. Mostly my upper body. He theoretically trapped me against the wall. He had my legs pinned by both of his and my feet were off the ground. I felt like killing him right there.


"Then you're fired," he grinned. His eyes were hooded and dark. His dark hair hung just

above his eyes throwing them in the shadow of the mahogony curtain. He wasn't bad looking. Far from it; Max was hot. Really hot; the kind of guy I'd have a one night stand with. He'd be easy to be-spell. Though I didn't like using that. At all.

I knew Max was bluffing he was just too excited to really think. He never really said the words when he terminated someone from their job. I felt his hot lips at the base of my neck.

"You don't want to be let go do you?" There it was. He was serious. Oh Hell!

He nipped the skin at my collar bone. I felt my hands grip into talons. I was ready to to shred his flesh from the bone. I couldn't do that. Damn it!

"Fine," I growled softly as I threw my head back and violently and angrily berried my fangs deep in Max's neck. I wasn't going to kill him but he would sure have fun hiding the wounds and bruises once I was finished. I took about a pint from him and made sure to tear flesh when I ripped my fangs out. He'd be bleeding for about an hour. Only enough to cause him to faint in a few minutes. Though th bleeding would slow once he'd passed out. I wasn't evil.

I chugged the rest of my bottle of vodka after I picked it up where I'd dropped it when Max pinned me to the wall. When the liquid was gone I tossed it over my shoulder as I walked away and it thumped hard on Max's foot as he turned to watch me leave. I laughed at him under my breath as I left him standing alone.

When I had pulled my fangs out of his neck he had little streams of blood oozing form the two puncture wounds. Stupidly he clapped his hand over the open wounds in his neck.

Before the bottle left my hand that was when he hit his throbbing wounds and gasped at the pain. I grinned and said, "Better put a Band-Aid on that."

I shut the door behind me and left him standing in my office like the idiot he was. When I heard the thick glass bottle hit his foot and he whimpered again a smile slivered across my bloody lips.

I licked the excess blood from my lips and thoroughly enjoyed the warm liquid. I savored the exquisite taste on my lips and tongue that lingered there. Max's blood was so good I felt my insides soften at my satisfaction.

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